Wednesday, July 14, 2021

THE MEANING OF THE BUDDHA DRAWING THREE BAGS. Buddha Dharma Sangha Three Jewels. As learners of the Buddhadharma, we need to have enough basic knowledge about the Buddhadharma, the Three Jewels, so first this issue should be explained as follows: 1.- THE FIRST WORLD HAS THE THREE BAGS: After Buddha attained Perfect Enlightenment at the Bodhi tree, within twenty-one days, he alone enjoyed the wonderful bliss of liberation, and personally felt the dharma, which was quiet, wonderful, profound, and difficult to see, not a scene. world of seeking, only the wise can realize; sentient beings are deeply infected by the profound self-view, love, pleasure, and afflictions. Even though they can hear the Buddhadharma, I'm afraid they can't understand it. It's just futile, it's better to remain silent. After that, when Great Brahma Thien Vuong graciously requested the Buddha to preach the Dharma, the Blessed One went to Loc Da Uyen outside the city of Ba La Nai Tu, because the previous five attendants abandoned Buddha and came here to practice asceticism, including: Aya Kieu Tran Nhu, Ayat Be, Bat De, Ten Luc Ca Diep, Ma Nam Cau Loi, teaching the Four Noble Truths: Suffering, Volume , Death, Dao. The five after listening to the Dharma, understood the meaning of the contrabands, all ceased and attained Arahantship, this is the first Three Jewels newly established in the world: the Great Saint Buddha is the Buddha Treasure, the Four Noble Truths the Dharma Wheel is the Dharma Treasure. , Year of Arahant is Tang Bao. 2.- NOMINISTRATION OF THE BUDDHA, FRANCE: A)-BUDDHA, the Pham word "Buddha" translates as Enlightenment, that is, enlightenment of the true and complete legal truths, understanding, understanding, and salvation of all human wisdom. residual. The word Enlightenment has three meanings: Right Enlightenment, Perfect Enlightenment, and Supreme Enlightenment. Selective Right Enlightenment is different from the Unconsciousness of ordinary people and the Unconsciousness of non-Buddhists. Ordinary people are not clear about the truth of things, giving rise to crazy things, That's why it's called Unconscious. Outsider religion for limited thought and research, or limited concentration and intelligence, knowing certain moral parts of things, grasping for the whole, is true, and practicing All kinds of false theories, claiming to be enlightened, but in reality are just the false feelings of the mind that discriminates against the taint of existence. Buddha is the one who is truly enlightened, because the Buddha used his knowledge of non-smudging, indiscriminately, to realize the true appearance of all dharmas, and for the fact that the physical appearance of the dharmas does not increase or decrease, they are enlightened equal as it really is, so it is called a True Enlightenment. Equal Enlightenment means enlightenment throughout all, selectively different from the Saints of the two Vehicles. The Saints of the two Vehicles are of course Right Enlightenment, but not all enlightened; because they, though fully enlightened, but unable to generate great compassion to enlighten others, only limited to self-realization but not everywhere. Buddha Da is like a great physician, he is a self-aware physician, in addition, he also promotes great compassion to bring self-realization to enlightenment throughout all sentient beings, so it is called a False Enlightenment. Selective Supreme Enlightenment is different from Bodhisattvas. Although Dang Di's Bodhisattva is a righteous enlightened person, he also enlightens other sentient beings, but the origin of the afflictions and obstacles of knowledge have not been completely eliminated, the two fourths of merit, virtue and wisdom still have to be cultivated, although they are false awareness of self-awareness and enlightenment, has not yet reached supreme perfection. Only Buddha's vows, compassion and wisdom of self-realization and enlightenment have reached the end, no one is superior, nor can anyone compare, so it is called the Supreme Enlightened One. In the scriptures say, If you can achieve A Na Da La Tam Mieu Tam Bodhi, this means that this is the unsurpassed righteous enlightenment. Generally speaking: self-awareness, enlightenment, full enlightenment, so called Buddha. As Buddha Da Luan said: "In all dharmas, all kinds of signs, they open their own wisdom and also open the wisdom of all sentient beings, like a sleeping person who is awake, like a lotus flower in full bloom, so called is Buddha." B)- FRANCE: Sanskrit "Dat Ma", translated as dharma, is the meaning of rules. Thanh Duy Thuc Luan said: "Dharma is the Foundation for Maintenance". Thanh Vien Chi Tac Ky explains that: “Fund means the framework that can generate knowledge of what is; Chi means holding onto and not giving up the self-signature.” This is to say: "Dharma is a kind of thing that firmly holds its own inherent nature, like the flower's can of the flower, the tree's the possible's of the tree, yet often manifests a state of fixed scope within it. , making it possible for other sentient beings to see it and be able to know what it is, combined with the two means keeping its own nature and its separate framework so that they can understand and know what it is, so it's called Dharma. Of course, the word "Dharma" here really means in general all things in the universe. As for the word "Dharma" of the Buddha Dharma, it is only for the skillful teaching of the Buddha, based on the true enlightenment, to teach beings in the world; This Dharma has its own substance, can be said to be the rule of all sentient beings, the meaning is equivalent to "Dharma", so it is called Dharma. The treatise on the main body of the Dharma includes the Teachings, Principles, Conducts, and Non-smuggling Fruits of the three Vehicles. Teaching is the sound text, Ly is the meaning of the Two Truths, the Four Truths, Hanh is the two things that benefit and the Hanh of the three Vehicles of practice, the Fruit is the two results of the transformation of the three vehicles of unlearned attainment. If it is based on the basis of the foundation, then the Dharma can be divided into five vehicles: one is the Human Vehicle who speaks about the five precepts, the second is that the Thien Vehicle speaks about the Ten Good Laws, the third is the Thirteenth Vehicle that speaks the Four Truths, and the fourth is the Poison Vehicle. The Enlightenment vehicle speaks the Dharma of the Twelve Causes and Conditions, the fifth is the Bodhisattva Vehicle who speaks the Six Paramita Law. If it is based on the antidote method, there are eighty-four thousand dharmas. As for the general program of the practice, there are only three subjects of Precepts, Concentration and Hue. After the Buddha's death, Venerable Mahakashyapa, who was the leader, immediately summoned the Buddha's disciples, brought all the teachings of the Buddha and taught all sentient beings, thanks to Ananda, started. collection, generally divided into three Tripitaka: one is "To Tu Lam", translated as Khe Kinh, ie the Tripitaka; the second is "Bhikshu Da", translated as tame, ie Vinaya; the third is "Abhidharma", translated as the opposite, ie Abhidhamma. Tang is the meaning of the collection, ie in the three Tripitaka includes the collection of the Dharma, where it must be understood, practiced, and attained. Surveys of its interpretations all have parts in common. Based on the part that said, the Sutra explains the study; The law explains the academic world; The essay explains the philosophy of wisdom. In general, the three Tripitakas all communicate with each other; Three Tripitaka specializes in explaining the doctrine, three Schools explains the meaning, so that the teaching includes the collection of meaning without redundant errors. Again, according to the Tathagata, the matter of difference, there are many forms and meanings, which are divided into twelve parts: 1)- The Kinh Kinh, that is, the sutras that declare the dharma meaning in sentences. goods such as: Five Aggregates, Twelve Foundations, Thirteen Precepts, Dependent Origination, Four Truths, Bodhi Participant, etc.. 2)- Application, That is, the middle or the last paragraph of the Long-standing Sutras often uses a certain number of words to organize them into prose, to generalize the said legal meaning of a long-standing sentence, or to display the final unclear legal meaning. dry. 3)- Sign, that is, in the Sutras that record the disciples after their death in different places, or predict when and where the Bodhisattvas will become Buddhas. 4)- Chanting, there are sutras that proclaim the dharma meaning not using long sentences, but using the form of literary prose to declare the doctrine. These are the scriptures that are purely literary and chanting, so they are also called Arguments, such as the Dhammapada Sutras..v... 5)- Self-narrative, because they want the Dharma to exist. for a long time in the world, or because they want to give sentient beings great benefits, have excellent methods, without requesting, the Tathagata spontaneously declared, these are the scriptures that do not list those who ask for the Dharma, such as the Amitabha Sutra..v.v.. 6)- Causality, i.e. all the teachings that are preached include the generalization of causes and conditions, such as the Sutras of Separation from Liberation Precepts..etc.. 7)- For example, the teachings in the Sutras are commonly used. examples to show the basic meaning. 8)- The original work, which is the Buddhist scriptures that declare and record the events of the past life of the disciples. 9)- Born, that is, the Tathagata declared the problems of birth and death and the actual events of the Bodhisattva's past life. 10)- Phuong Quang, that is, in the sutras proclaiming that the Bodhisattvas can attain Supreme Bodhi, helping everyone to witness the merits of the Ten Powers, the Four Fears, etc. . This is the true, righteous, broad legal meaning, so it's called the square. 11)- Hi Fa, that is, the Buddha Da preached to his disciples special miraculous virtues and remarkable miracles and profound mysterious meanings. These are all legal meanings of rare abilities, cannot use the meaning of ordinary thinking to understand, so they are called Hi Fa. 12)- The Analects, that is, the study of the scriptures that explain the meaning and essence of the sutras. In these twelve parts of teaching, three things such as Khe Kinh, Ung Chan, and Chant are abbreviated and named after the Sutra texts, in addition, the remaining nine things are from different teachings conveyed in the Sutra texts. that named. Moreover, most of them are based on the facts of doctrine, which establishes the names, including: Contracting, Application, Significance, Worship, Autobiography, Example, Origin, Born, Phuong Quang, Hi Phap all belong to To Tu Lam Tang; The Cause and Condition belongs to Bhikkhu-Tibetan; The Commentary belongs to Abhidhamma Pitaka. C)- UP: Sanskrit "Sangha", translated as they harmonize, this title is from three people or more (formerly translated as four or more people); That is, the disciples left home to serve the teachings of Buddha. Why say they are compatible? Harmony has two meanings: one is Ly Hoa, which means co-existence of the law of destruction; Secondly, there are six types of harmony: 1)- Precepts of Harmony and Companion Tu: that is, for the precepts of Dharma that have been lived, well preserved, maintained, not allowed to be contaminated, not confused, without end, with friends and family. fellow initiates practice pure conduct, together they maintain equality. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. 2)- View of Peace and Conciliation: that is, for the Dharma of the Holy Way, which is far from suffering, one can skillfully understand and understand the truth like that. With us, fellow practitioners of the pure holy life, they agreed to study together. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. 3)- Loi Hoa Dong Quan: that is, for the "Talent" of benefits and nourishment obtained as dharma, individuals must not keep their own secrets, they must be with us, fellow initiates of pure life, and have equal use. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. 4)- Than Hoa Dong Tru: that is, for us, fellow practitioners of the pure holy life, practicing the karma of Than Tu, have diseases..v.v.. should take care of each other. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. 5)- Speech and Speech Without Avoiding: That is to say, for our fellow initiates, practicing pure conduct, practicing Words and words, having merits and virtues, so we encourage each other to praise each other, there are clever mistakes to be pointed out. Interfere with each other to suspend. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. 6)- The Mind of Peace and Love: That is to say, for our fellow practitioners of the pure holy life, practicing the karma of Yi Tu, always thinking of fellow believers who are substitutes for the Buddha to proclaim the Dharma and receive the practice. upholding the right dharma, thinking righteously, upholding the dharma, Being my good friend is not easy to get, is good knowledge to help me achieve my career path. Through this dharma arises love, respect, mutual respect, joyful mind, no opposition, no controversy, harmony and coexistence. Classifying the Sangha has two things: a)- Thinh Van Tang: ie the form of a monk who fully ordained, cuts his hair and wears clothes, practices the Three Schools of the Hinayana. b)-Bodhisattva Sangha: those who practice the Three Learnings of the Mahayana, have two appearances: the monastic form and the lay form. There are three types of dharma analysis: a)- Thinh Van Sang, b)- Pratyekabuddha Increase: there are two things: Lan Du (the class that is close to understanding) and Bo Hanh and Bo Hanh become Sangha. c)- Bodhisattva Sangha: ie Mahayana practitioners. The Dhamma also has other Sangha such as: Secular Sangha, Thang Nghia Tang, Four Races of Sangha..v.v...but can't say clearly here. 3.- MEANING OF PRECAUTIONS: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, why are these three things called "Bao"? Because of the Three Jewels, this is the position that guides sentient beings to abandon evil and cultivate good, to leave suffering and to be happy, to be freed from bondage, to attain the leading position in directing the Great Self, to be highly respected, like a rare object. yes, so it's called Bao. In True Tanh Tanh, the world treasures used six precious examples, which are now applied to the Buddha Dharma to clearly explain that the Buddha Dharma Sangha has six precious meanings called Bao: a)- Meaning Hy Huu: like treasure worldly things, the poor cannot have; The Three Jewels are the same, sentient beings without good roots cannot be enlightened for hundreds of thousands of kalpas. b)- Nghia Ly Tran: like a treasure of the world without traces of dirt on the physical body; The Three Jewels are also like that, absolutely separated from all impurities, contaminated with impurities, pure and extremely clear, so they are called Bao. c)- Meaning of the Power: such as a worldly treasure with great influence that can eliminate poverty, cure poisonous diseases..v..v....; The Three Jewels are like that, full of inconceivable magical power, so they are called Bao. d)- Ornamental Cemetery: as worldly treasures can adorn the world, make the world beautiful; The Three Jewels are also like that, all possessing immeasurable merits and virtues that can dignify the world, so they are called Treasures. e)- The Meaning of Victory: like precious jade the world is very dominant in all things; The Three Jewels are also like that, the unscrupulous dharma of the world, very superior and superior, so it is called a Treasure. g)- Means of no change: like the real gold of the world, boiled, beaten and honed.. etc... the nature has not changed; The Three Jewels are also the same, because the Dharma is unstained, not subject to the Eight Winds such as: Confession, Consciousness, Suffering, Pleasure, Profit, Decline, Cancellation, and Projection. Bao. The Sutra of the Heart of the Earth, the Quality of Retribution, uses the meaning of ten meanings such as: perseverance, unfailing, evil, difficult, powerful, majestic, contented, dignified, wonderful, and immutable to clarify the truth. preciousness of the Buddha, Dharma Sangha, so called Bao In short: "The Buddha Dharma Sangha is a treasure, because it is full of countless magical powers to transform, benefit sentient beings, come gradually and endlessly, use this meaning to refer to the Buddhas, Dharma Sangha, so it is called a Treasure. ". 4.- CATEGORIES OF THE THREE BAO: The Three Jewels have six categories: the Unity, the Distinct, the One Vehicle, the Three Vehicles, the True One and the Abbot. 1)- The Three Jewels of Unity, also known as the One-Three Jewels, also known as Dong General Tam Bao. Body ie Dharma Body as pure Dharma world; Buddha Nature means Dharma Tanh, Dharma Tanh means Sangha, formerly known as Tongtong. Now on each body, there are three meanings of Buddha Dharma Sangha displayed according to the first chart below: Graph 1: Sangha Having enough rules called Phap Bao 2)- Distinctly Three Jewels, also called Hoa General Tam Bao. In the Nirvana Sutra, Buddha himself said that the three nominal things of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are different, saying one is three, or saying three is one, is the realm of the Buddhas, not the Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas know. Yoga Master Di Luan also said, manifesting Right Enlightenment is the General of the Buddha, the dharmas where the Buddha witnessed is the General of the Dharma. According to the Buddha's teachings and true practice, he is the General of the Sangha, thus calling the Three Jewels the Separated Body. are all different. The Three Vehicles of Saints They are full of reason and harmony called Tang Bao. Sangha 3)- The One Vehicle Three Jewels, the Tathagata said that the Dharma uses the One Vehicle as an end, as the Thang Man Sutra said: "Speaking of the One Vehicle Dharma, attaining the Dharma Body for the end, in the Supreme Being does not speak about the One Vehicle Dharma. Excess”. The Lotus Sutra says, "In the ten directions of the Buddha lands, there is only the One Vehicle." Therefore, in the Realm of Salvation, only the One Vehicle is Three Jewels, and when it is said that the Two Vehicles and the Three Vehicles are said to be profoundly transformed, it is established. In this basic, only choosing to take the One Vehicle Three Jewels as the body of possession, as a convention to maintain and say, the means to practice, the Dharma and the Sangha also collect into the One Vehicle Three Jewels. Mahayana Sangha Bodhisattva Sangha is Tang Bao 4)- Three Vehicles Three Jewels, ie embodiment to teach people of the Three Vehicles, The Dharma to preach and the Sangha to save them is called the Three Vehicles Three Jewels. All the sages in the Three Vehicles are Sangha, the Three Jewels, that is, the true meaning of the One, Separate, One, and Three Vehicles presented before all have the Three Jewels, so the Dharma and Increase does not accept illegal possessions. The Sangha of the Three Vehicles of the Holy Order of Emperor Kien and above is the Tang Bao. 6)- Abbot of the Three Jewels, the Buddha, after his death, left only the world's heirlooms such as relics, Buddha statues, three Tripitaka texts, and all monks and nuns; for the benefit of the world, the above-mentioned heirlooms are continued in the lineage of maintaining the Buddha's teachings without losing them; These treasures are called Abbot of the Three Jewels. The Sangha are ordained as Sangha, Grade and identify the number of the Three Jewels where in the Sutras explain many meanings. Now, let's summarize the Sutras for easy understanding: Buddha is like a physician, the Dharma is like a wonderful medicine. The Sangha is like a person examining a patient; these three treasures neither increase nor decrease. 5.- DIFFERENCE OF THE THREE BAO: Difference of the three kinds of Buddha Dharma Sangha, Du Gia Master Di Luan uses six generals to display it: a)- Due to the difference in self-image. Not by other people's education, the self-image of enlightenment naturally shows that it is Buddha Bao; the self-image of the fruit of the enlightened Buddha is the Dharma Jewel; True self-identity thanks to other people's transmission that practice that is Tang Bao. b)- By creating different karma. Skillfully turning karma with the true Dharma is Buddha Bao; the dharma where the conditions for doing business to eliminate afflictions are Dharma Jewel; Those who practice boldly and diligently to increase their good karma are Tang Bao. c)- Due to misunderstanding. For the Buddha Bao, it is necessary to establish trust and understanding in order to be close and close to practice and serve, for the Dharma Jewel, it is necessary to establish trust and understanding to seek attainment, for the Sangha, it is necessary to establish trust and understanding to harmonize the Dharma. cohabitation. d)- Due to different cultivation. Where the Buddha must practice righteous conduct in order to serve and make offerings, where the Dharma Treasure must practice righteous conduct, practice Yoga, and where the Sangha must practice righteous conduct and live together with the use of the Dharma. e)- Due to the Difference of Thought. Reciting the Buddha's name is the Supreme Being, the Supreme Being, the World-Honored One, full of ten powers, four fearless, eighteen uncommunal Buddhadharmas..v..v...; Recollection of the Dharma Jewel is the pure, unsmeared dharma that emerges from the world, is the practice of eliminating all calamities and sins, giving birth to all merits as a refuge; The Sangha are those who practice righteous enlightenment and pure conduct, who are the holders of the Buddhadharma, who propagate the Buddhadharma, who are pure in their own nature, far away from evil. g)- Due to different blessings. In the place of Buddha Bao, taking refuge in offerings ..v..v... is relying on a sentient being to generate superior merit and virtue above all; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers, takes and maintains..v..v... that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Sangha takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises the supreme merit and virtue. give birth to all merit as a refuge; The Sangha are those who practice righteous enlightenment and pure conduct, who are the holders of the Buddhadharma, who propagate the Buddhadharma, who are pure in their own nature, far away from evil. g)- Due to the difference in blessings. In the place of Buddha Bao, taking refuge in offerings ..v..v... is relying on a sentient being to generate superior merit and virtue above all; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers, takes and maintains..v..v... that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Sangha takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises supreme merit and virtue. give birth to all merit as a refuge; The Sangha are those who practice righteous enlightenment and pure conduct, who are the holders of the Buddhadharma, who propagate the Buddhadharma, who are pure in their own nature, far away from evil. g)- Due to different blessings. In the place of Buddha Bao, taking refuge in offerings ..v..v... is relying on a sentient being to generate superior merit and virtue above all; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers and maintains, etc., that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Tang Bao takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises supreme merit and virtue.He is an abbot of the Buddhadharma, a propagator of the Buddhadharma, a pure self-nature, far from evil. g)- Due to different blessings. In the place of Buddha Bao, taking refuge in offerings ..v..v... is relying on a sentient being to generate superior merit and virtue above all; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers and maintains, etc., that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Tang Bao takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises supreme merit and virtue. He is an abbot of the Buddhadharma, a propagator of the Buddhadharma, a pure self-nature, far from evil. g)- Due to different blessings. In the place of Buddha Bao, taking refuge in offerings ..v..v... is relying on a sentient being to generate superior merit and virtue above all; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers and maintains, etc., that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Tang Bao takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises supreme merit and virtue. is to rely on a sentient being, then arise the supreme merits and virtues; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers, takes and maintains..v..v... that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Sangha takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises supreme merit and virtue. is to rely on a sentient being, then arise the supreme merits and virtues; where Phap Bao takes refuge, offers, takes and maintains..v..v... that is, relying on this dharma arises supreme merit and virtue, where Sangha takes refuge, makes offerings, practices, and serves..v ..v.... is the refuge of many sentient beings, then arises the supreme merit and virtue.END=NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL.GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/7/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN OF THE SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.

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