Sunday, July 18, 2021

Things new Buddhists taking refuge in the Three Jewels need to know. Like many firsts in life, new Buddhists take refuge, although they have gone through a process of learning and then come to take refuge in the Three Jewels, but most people can't help but be surprised and worried when they take refuge. Entering the temple for the first time. The ritual of taking refuge in the Three Jewels Like many firsts in life, new Buddhists take refuge, although they have gone through a process of research and then come to take refuge in the Three Jewels, but most people can't help themselves. I was surprised and worried when I first entered the temple door. Worrying for many reasons: Worrying about not being able to keep the precepts will increase crime, worrying about affecting marriage and family life, worrying about many new things that are not really understood and not knowing if I can do things well. is it okay?… That's why, In order to have the necessary understanding on the path of cultivation, following the path of the Buddha, new Buddhists taking refuge need to know some important things below. Understanding the true meaning: What is taking refuge in the Triple Gem? Naturally, humans exist in relationships and are absolutely not separate from the world of things. Throughout life's journey, people need support to survive. When children are young, they depend on their parents, when they grow up on their spouses, when they are old, they rely on their children and those without a family rely on money and material things and the help of close relationships… Buddha acknowledged everything. phenomena in the world true to the nature that it exists. Why should take refuge in the Three Jewels However, all those bases are sometimes not, sometimes lost and exist, so there will be times when people will be disappointed, disappointed and fall into suffering. It is at this moment, people need a place that has been completely liberated to return and take refuge. That is also the true meaning of the two words of refuge that the Buddha used in the Buddhist scriptures. Taking refuge in the Buddha is taking Buddhism as a spiritual support to get rid of all the sufferings of life. It is also necessary to understand more deeply, taking refuge is not necessarily a monk, giving up all secular life, even more regardless of age and gender. Taking refuge is the Buddha's way of directing sentient beings to abandon evil and cultivate a good mind. Therefore, the sooner the Buddhists take refuge, the more blessings they receive and the less suffering in life. Thinking according to the human life and worldview of Buddhism The Buddha recognizes all things and phenomena in the world in accordance with the nature in which it exists. He said that there is no supreme being or any god who created the world and determined the destiny of people. All economic, educational, family and social issues are related and operate according to the theory of cause and effect. If you want money, people must work, if you want children to become people, parents must teach, if you want a happy family, you must maintain good parent-child, husband-wife relationships... Understanding this mindset, Buddhists will not be confused by wrong views, know how to awaken their latent ability to promote their own karma and common karma to create all changes in life in a good direction. pretty. The meaning of taking refuge in the Three Jewels Also from that, the Buddha taught people not to believe in nature or randomness. When facing difficulties, one must know how to judge right and wrong to conclude the cause and find a way to repair and change the situation. There should be no dependent thinking, relying on luck. Because that will make people lose the ability to make efforts on their own, give up everything and miss the opportunity to become a perfect person in life. Understanding this mindset, Buddhists will not be confused by wrong views, know how to awaken their latent ability to promote their own karma and common karma to create all changes in life in a good direction. pretty. Keeping the precepts Besides implementing the three refuges: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, Buddhists who have taken refuge must also understand the five precepts to keep well in Buddhism. These are: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying and no drinking. Do not kill: As a Buddhist, you should not commit acts of killing, take the lives of co-existence beings. Because, according to the Buddha, every living being, whether it's a chicken, a dog or even a small ant, knows pain and suffering like humans. If we don't want to "reciprocate injustice" in future reincarnations, we should immediately stop killing and killing. Instead, let's sow benevolence, do good deeds to preserve a beautiful peace for all sentient beings, mankind. As a Buddhist, you should not commit acts of carnage, taking the lives of co-existence beings. If we don't want to "reciprocate injustice" in future reincarnations, we should immediately stop killing and killing. Instead, let's sow benevolence, do good deeds to preserve a beautiful peace for all sentient beings, mankind. As a Buddhist, you should not commit acts of carnage, taking the lives of co-existence beings. If we don't want to "reciprocate injustice" in future reincarnations, we should immediately stop killing and killing. Instead, let's sow benevolence, do good deeds to preserve a beautiful peace for all sentient beings, mankind. As a Buddhist, you should not commit acts of carnage, taking the lives of co-existence beings.END=NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL GOLDEN MONASTERY.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/7/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN OF SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.

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