Monday, July 19, 2021

What is a refuge? What is a refuge? Taking refuge means one becomes a disciple of the Buddha, follows the Dharma and takes refuge in the Buddha's door. Taking refuge is a typical Buddhist ritual marking the starting point of orientation, the enlightenment of a sentimental Buddhist into a righteous Buddhist through Buddhist teachings. What is taking refuge and Buddhists take refuge in the three jewels There are many people who define what is refuge? It is simply thanks to the monks who give the Dharma name, to take advantage of the Dharma name to go to the temple to pray for their fortune. Or there are many people who think that "young people are happy at home, old people are happy at the temple", which means that when they are old, they go to the temple to practice to define what is taking refuge? The above understanding is misleading and will create bad karma for yourself. Should you take refuge? Buddha's door is the refuge and reverence of the Buddha's disciples, which is the precious respect for oneself to rely on with peace of mind. Taking refuge in the Three Jewels is relying on the three qualities of wisdom (Buddha), truth (Dharma) and purity (Sangha) inherent in every human being. Taking refuge will help people perfect and reveal more clearly these 3 virtues, restrain and remove negative virtues. What is refuge and should we take refuge What is refuge? Taking refuge is our predestined relationship with Buddhism. Buddhism always directs people to good, peaceful and close to truth-goodness-beauty. Taking refuge will help each person to be equipped with an ethical and intellectual lifestyle on the road of life, contributing to helping all Buddhists stay close to temple activities to lead to Buddhism and Buddhism more easily. Taking refuge is a good deed that every Buddhist person should do. What to know when taking refuge? Taking refuge for ethical enlightenment Taking refuge is the foundation of enlightenment and liberation from deadlock and suffering to live peacefully and peacefully with the teachings of Buddhism. That is why taking refuge is of great importance. That is also the first step in the Buddhist ladder, otherwise the Buddha will lose the basic. Taking refuge is an extremely important ritual, Buddhists must voluntarily take refuge without coercion. Also, don't take refuge in order to bring benefits to yourself because that is against the voluntary spirit of Buddhism.END=NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL GOLDEN MONASTERY.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN OF SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/7/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN OF SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.

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