Thursday, July 15, 2021

What is Tam Bao? The Three Jewels are three precious persons: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Tam Bao has how many things? The Three Jewels have four things: The Three Jewels are identical. Special General Tam Toi Tam Bao. Abbot Tam Bao. What is the Tam Bao body? The Three Jewels are the Three Jewels of the same nature, sentient beings and the Buddha are inherently the same. Despite different delusions, the nature still does not increase or decrease: True wisdom is the Buddha's treasure. The real reason is the Dharma treasure. Harmonious reason is the Sangha. What is General Tam Bao? The distinctive characteristics of the Three Jewels are the Three Jewels with different types of generals, which are cultivated and promoted by the Three Jewels: Dharma body, sambhogakaya, and Buddha treasure. The teachings given by the three bodies are Dharma treasures. The Three Vehicles of the Holy Sage follow the teachings and practice as a Sangha. What is the ultimate Tam Bao? At the very beginning, the Three Jewels are the Three Jewels that first appeared in the world, by the special general Tam Bao, who appeared and saved: Buddha Shakyamuni is the Buddha, the Dharma of the Four Truths preached in the Deer Garden is the Dharma treasure. The group of Kieu Tran Nhu Five people, the first to attain enlightenment, is the Tang Bao. What is Abbot Tam Bao? The Abbot of the Three Jewels is the Three Jewels handed down, existing in the world, representing the Buddha's religion, serving as a place of noble direction for all sentient beings to correct evil, abandon evil and do good: Buddha statue, photo Buddha, Buddha painting is Buddha's treasure. The scriptures, the relics, and the weapons are the treasures. The monks who practice and propagate the religion are Tang Bao. representing the Buddha's religious background, as a place of noble orientation for all sentient beings to correct their wrongdoings, abandon evil and do good: Buddha statues, Buddha images, Buddha paintings are Buddha treasures. The scriptures, the relics, and the weapons are the treasures. The monks who practice and propagate the religion are Tang Bao. representing the Buddha's religious background, as a place of noble orientation for all sentient beings to correct their evils, abandon evil and do good: Buddha statues, Buddha images, Buddha paintings are Buddha treasures. The scriptures, the relics, and the weapons are the treasures. The monks who practice and propagate the religion are Tang Bao.END=NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL.GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/7/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THE WOMEN OF SAKYA CLAN CHAN TANH.

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