Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Because at home, disciple comb says "three rules", "five precepts", "ten good" - VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH. People who recite Buddha's name must cultivate & practice these things - An Quang Dharma Master Van Sao Tuc Bien Sad that sentient beings from beginningless time to now reincarnate the six paths, circulate the four births, have no help, no place to return, no refuge. Like an orphan who lost his father, like a destitute person whose door was broken. All are due to negative karma, feeling the suffering of this birth and death; blind no eyes Hue, can not escape by themselves! The World-Honored One was merciful, appeared in the world for the sake of sentient beings, preached the Dharma, taught to receive the Three Refuges as the root to change evil to the right, taught and maintained the Five Precepts to be a source of evil and practiced good, and taught the Ten Good Practices. to make the pure root of the three karmas of body - speech - mind. From here on, do not do evil, but do good. After the three karmas have been purified, only then can they follow the Taoist practices to leave the world of harmony, turn mortals into saints, cut off the roots of greed, anger, and delusion, and become the great Way of Precepts - Concentration - Bodhi. Therefore, the Buddha expounded the Four Noble Truths, Twelve Dependent Conditions, Six Doctrines, Thirty-seven Teaching Assistants, etc... immeasurable Dharma subjects. Wanting to let [beings] quickly escape birth and death and quickly attain the Buddha Way, so he taught the method of Reciting the Buddha's Recitation for Birth in the Pure Land, so that [they] wouldn't have to lose much strength to achieve it in this life. Oh! An World Religion can be said to be extreme; Even if the mother and earth are not enough to compare. Real Hue's grace is very deep, there is no way to repay it. Now you misheard people, don't mind thousands of miles to come here, want to worship me as a teacher; but I consider myself immoral, reject it a couple of times, you still don't listen. Now reluctantly bring the meaning of the Tathagata coming out of the world to teach the Dharma of saving birth and rebirth with you, as well as to explain the meaning of the Three Refuges, the Five Precepts, the Ten Goods and the Pure Land dharma, so that you There is something to learn from, something to follow. The Four Noble Truths up to the thirty-seven chapters of the Path Assistant are not dharmas that your intellect can know. Therefore, omit does not write. If the medical practitioners serve it, that is respecting the Buddha as a teacher, let alone Bu Hue! If there is no medicine to serve, the grace of No Hue is still treacherous, how much more is the grace of the Buddha? 1) Tam Quy (the word Quy 歸 is also written as Quy 皈. Quy (皈) is to return to the pure, in the sense of transforming infection into purity): One is taking refuge in the Buddha, the second is taking refuge in the Dharma, and the third is taking refuge in the Dharma. Take refuge in the Sangha. To return is to sow in, to return, Y is to take refuge. Like a person falling into the sea, suddenly a boat comes and wades to the side of the boat; That is the meaning of the word "return, sow". Getting on the boat and sitting still means "taking refuge". Samsara is the sea, the Three Jewels are the boat. Sentient beings take refuge immediately to the other shore. Having taken refuge in the Buddha, worshiping the Buddha as a teacher, from now on until the end of his life, he is not allowed to take refuge in gods, pagans, evil spirits, and evil spirits. Having taken refuge in the Dharma, taking the Dharma as a teacher, from now on until the end of life, they cannot take refuge in the classics of non-Buddhist religions (the Dharma is the Buddhist scriptures and the monastic practices. so). Having taken refuge in the Sangha, 2) Five Precepts: One is not to kill. Second, don't steal. Third, do not commit adultery. Four is not to lie. Five is not drinking. Animals, like us, are afraid of death; If we want to live, why should animals want to die? According to that, should we kill lives or not? All sentient beings are reincarnated in the six realms, depending on their good and bad karma, they will rise, fall, rise or fall. For many lifetimes, I and them alternately become parents and children; Should you think of a way to save, why would you want to kill? All sentient beings have Buddha nature and will become Buddhas in the future life. If I fall, I hope [to be] saved! Moreover, having created the karma of killing will surely fall to the evil path, repay the old debt, kill each other forever! With that in mind, how dare you kill? The cause of killing is because of eating meat. If I knew the predestined conditions mentioned above, I would not dare to eat meat anymore. Fools think meat is delicious, not knowing that meat is made of blood and essence. filled with feces, urine, outside mixed with dirt, fishy, ​​dirty, delicious, where? Usually, if you eat an unclean restaurant, you will vomit when you eat it. In addition, sentient beings include humans, animals, maggots, fish, shrimp, mosquitoes, lice, and aphids. Whenever there is a life, they are all living beings; Can't say that big animals should not be killed, small animals can be killed. The Buddhist scriptures have taught thoroughly about the meritorious benefits of avoiding killing and liberating living beings. People who can't read these sutras should see An Si's work Van Thien Tien Tu, they will know roughly. Don't steal: When you see this precept, you can immediately think of the meaning. If you don't give it, you won't take it. This is something that people who know their integrity can not commit. Like a detailed table, if anyone is not a great saint or a great sage, it is difficult not to commit. Using public property for private purposes, harming others for personal gain, relying on advantage to obtain possessions, using intrigues to steal things, envious of other people's wealth, expecting others to be poor, flaunting good deeds to gain fame, encountering good deeds heart is not zealous. Or like when setting up a school (school makes sense, doesn't collect tuition fees) they don't choose a strict teacher, causing other people's children to go astray. Or when giving medicine, don't consider the truth - fake causes people to lose their lives. If you see an emergency, don't immediately save it; lazy, superficial, indifferent to the point of ruining the job, only doing things irresponsibly, wasting other people's money, not considered urgent in the heart. Such things are called theft. Since you are living in a good hall, you should quote the good or bad things to say in a general way. Do not commit adultery: Men and women get married and have children, the top is for the sake of weathering, the bottom is for [someone's] ancestor worship. Couples who practice sex do not violate the prohibition; but we should respect each other as guests, just to continue the lineage [so that there are people] to worship the ancestors, not for pleasure but to follow lust to the point of death. Although he is his wife, but if he is too greedy, it is also a violation of precepts; but the crime is still light, small. If you have indiscriminate intercourse with someone who is not your wife, it is called adultery; That crime is very serious! The practice of adultery is to bring the human body to do animal things; When the death notice ends, first will fall into hell, hungry ghost, after being born in the animal birth path thousands of millions of kalpas cannot leave. All living beings are born from lust, so this precept is hard to keep and easy to break; Even the sage sometimes stumbles, let alone the fool. If you are determined to practice, you must first understand the benefits - harms and antidotes: If you see a poisonous snake, if you meet a hostile thief, if you are afraid, then the desire will turn itself off. The antidote has been recorded in many Buddhist scriptures. If people in the world don't have the grace to watch it, they should read An Si's book "Duc Hai Hoi Cuong" by An Si, you will know roughly (Benefit: The benefit is not committed, the harm is the harm caused by breaking this precept) Do not lie: That is, the word is trustworthy, does not utter a lie. If you see and say you don't see, don't see say you see, take a lie as the truth, say you don't, etc... Whenever your mind and mouth don't match, if you want to deceive people, you're all lying. If there is someone who has not cut off Or but says that he has cut Or; If you have not yet attained the Way, then you will be called a great voice of hope; That sin was very serious. After his death, he decided to go straight to the Abhi hell, and there was no time to come out. Currently, there are people who practice spiritually but do not know the teachings of the Buddha Dharma, so they must be strongly deterred; so important. The four things above, whether they are ordained or stay at home, have received precepts or have not received precepts, every time they commit them, they are guilty because the nature [of those things] is evil. People who do not receive a single layer of precepts; Those who have received the precepts are twice as serious: in addition to the crime of doing evil, they also commit the crimes of precepts. If you maintain it without breaking it, your merit will be immeasurable. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to keep the precepts! Do not drink wine: It is because alcohol can confuse people's hearts and destroy the seeds of wisdom. Drinking makes people crazy, crazy kissing, doing bad things, so the Buddha's precepts are completely forbidden. All cultivators are not allowed to drink. In addition, for all kinds of onions, chives, gender (compressed) ( Giới read as Gender, is a small type of garlic), garlic ... the five things are pungent (five Huan), smelly, physically impure. When the five hans are eaten, they will have sex; if they eat raw, they will become angry; Even a cultivator cannot eat. However, for those who have not yet received this precept, drinking alcohol and eating the five orders are not guilty; And if you have received the precepts and still drink alcohol, and eat the five new foods, you will make a mistake, that is, a crime in the Buddha world. The Buddha banned them, but they committed crimes (Ngu Huan: Western Region has all five things, here (China) only four). 3) The Ten Goods: One is not killing, two is not stealing, three is not committing adultery, fourth is not lying, fifth is not slanderous, sixth is not double-talking, seven is not evil, eight is not greedy, nine is not angry, ten is not wrong view. Of these precepts, the first three are bodily karma; the middle four precepts are oral karma; The last three precepts belong to mind karma. Karma is the job. If keeping does not violate, it is called Ten Thien; If the violation cannot be kept, it is called the Ten Evils. The Ten Evils are divided into upper, middle, and lower; will feel the body in the three evil paths: hell, hungry ghosts, animals. The Ten Goods are also divided into upper, middle, and lower levels, and gain the body in three good paths: heaven, human, and Asura. Benevolence feels good, evil causes evil, the decision is not doubtful, there is no mistake. The things “killing, stealing, fornication, lying” were preached in the section on the Five Precepts. Spoofing is saying useless, frivolous, polished, beautiful words, discussing lewd things that make people think wrong, etc. Double talk is talking to the other person, talking to this person and talking to the other person. ; provocative market, double-headed shock. Evil speech is language as cruel as a sword, like a sword, revealing the bad things people want to hide, not knowing how to abstain. If he still offends his parents, it is called a great evil speech; In the future, there will be animal retribution. If you have received the Buddha's precepts, you should be careful not to violate them. "Cool greed" (xan greed) is not willing to give one's own wealth to others, it is called Keo. For wealth that people just want to take for themselves is called Greed. Anger is resentment, anger: Seeing people achieve something, they are sad and angry; Seeing the person lost, the heart is happy and joyful. [Anger] also means relying on force, letting go of your character, despise both people and things. Wrong view: Do not believe that doing good is blessed, doing evil is guilty of sin; say that there is no cause and effect, no afterlife; despise the words of the sages, destroy the teachings of the Buddha. This Ten Virtue includes everything. If you can observe the Ten Goods, you will not be able to stop doing evil, and if you do not do good, you will not practice. I'm afraid that the beginner won't be able to understand it, so I'll briefly outline one or two things: a. One is to be filial and obedient to one's parents, not contrary, not rebellious, soft, flexible, advising parents to enter the Way, abstain from saltiness, be vegetarian, uphold the precepts, recite the Buddha's name, and seek birth in the West to be free from birth and death. If parents accept it, there is no greater good! If your parents are determined not to do it, don't force it because you'll lose your faith; should only face the Buddha on behalf of his parents to repent of sins; that's what should be done. With you, I lost my mind; with husband and wife, be respectful; With children, intense teaching makes them good. Be careful not to let your habitual pride turn into a band of thieves. For neighbors, the country should be peaceful and humble. Because they say cause and effect, good and evil cause them to change evil and turn to good. For friends, be faithful; with a servant is kind. For public work, just as dedicated as private work. Whenever I see a loved one, those who know him meet his father and talk about kindness; When I met you, I immediately talked about filial piety. b. When it comes to business, even though it is capital to make a profit, you should not use fake goods or deceive others. If this custom is practiced in a village or a hamlet, the chaos will be eliminated before it is early, so that the punishment becomes useless, it can be said that outside the heart, living at home and participating in the right to rule. so.END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/6/2021.

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