Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Lesson 31
Department of Cultivation ( Human Tu )
Originally, Buddhism took the practice of contemplating the Four Minds of the Land to practice the Eightfold Path as merit . Mahayana Buddhism, in addition to contemplating the Four Ways of Mindfulness , practicing the Eightfold Path , also adds benefits to others, so there are six degrees of practice , the four photography of the Dharma . The Six Paths include Generosity , Precepts , Forbearance , Effort , Meditation, and Wisdom . The four dharmas include Loving Speech , Generosity , Taking Advantage, and Colleagues. The Six Doctrines are not apart from the Eightfold Path with the addition of Generosity and Patience (the sixth article says).
In terms of the three learnings , precepts are the basic ethics of Buddhism . The Primordial Era places great emphasis on actions on body and speech, so respect the 250 precepts. Mahāyāna law of doubt, in addition to the law of doubt , also takes all good dharmas, the benefits of all sentient beings as precepts called the Three Gatherings of Pure Precepts .
Specified in Theravada not apart like: Eight wins Origin , Bat freed , The variable origin ... of Mahayana are countless such as Prime mausoleum strictly specified , Volume blessed kingdom for ... In Photography Mahayana conclusion of Kien reviews said: "The Hinayana treatise on purity has established 67 Mahayana items with up to 500". By the way, it is possible to know the difference between the concentration of Mahayana and Hinayana .
Hue in Buddhism is just the wisdom that eliminates all defilements called Omniscience . Favored also of Mahayana is clearly know all ideology stems Minister of Justice called Necessary race position , because the scope of intellectual Mahayana very broad, covering all the intellectual world and the Earth .
Department of Evidence ( Results )
In Nguyen Thi Buddhism , Sravakas and copper Buddha attained nirvana , but Sravakas not attained Buddha Bodhi . Mahayana , Nirvana Bodhi is the result of Bodhisattva . Since this can be known from Theravada Buddhism to the early Mahayana period , there are three periods for the interpretation of fruition .
Explain the first period . When the Buddha was still in the world, he was the one who was completely enlightened to the truth , the disciple was the person who received and maintained that truth . For the problem of liberation between the teacher and the student, there was no difference , and the same dharma and the same result. Fall clean mean of dignity, was established to do did not even life itself next life again. At this time , the results of liberation of the Buddha and his disciples are the same.
Explain the second period . The Buddha lived in innumerable kalpas because of his extensive practice of virtue, so he became a Buddha today . Fruition Nirvana His attainments but with disciples stop most, but the virtues of compassion , wisdom than disciples have differences. Only those who practice virtues like Buddha will attain Buddhahood like him. So unfortunate prisoners who bodhisattva called a bodhisattva , who practiced human well- liberationIt is called the shravakayana by itself , but there are many beneficial roots that do not need to listen to the Buddha's teachings, realize all the dharmas in the world, and reach Nirvana, which is called the Single Enlightenment vehicle , because this constitutes the Three Vehicles . The second redundant bar text , Pratyekabuddha although the base nature rumors disagree, but the fruition attainments are not differences, even between second redundant and Bodhisattvas fruition attainment totally difference .
Lesson 32
OF Mahayana Buddhism
Explain period Tuesday ie Assembly three provisions most , says director of Three ministers are due to shifting under inborn upper middle-lower reaches of the beings that division , certifications , the restaurant bar text , Single senses can recollection practice to become a Buddha . Therefore , it is officially said that the Three Vehicles are the One Vehicle , in addition, the other vehicles are all steps of the Bodhisattva vehicle .
The Lotus Sutra says: "The Three Vehicles are only the means , the One Vehicle is the end" which means that the spirit of convergence is one.
Because this can be said to explain the first period , then between the Buddha and his disciples both attained a liberating fruit , in the explanation of the third period , between the Buddha and his disciples simultaneously attained a bodhi fruition , here The difference in the results of each period can be seen very clearly.
Next, speaking of the Dharma of enlightenment , in the first period , as the Ka-Aha Sutra says: "There is a Way of the One Vehicle that skillfully purifies sentient beings, overcomes sorrow, eradicates suffering and pain , attains the true Dharma like the Four Foundations of Mindfulness... again. There is the path of the one vehicle, seeing the birth of all bounds , now respecting righteous enlightenment , this vehicle transcends the ocean of suffering, the goal is to eliminate birth and death."
In the Journal A function (Pa cup) also this phase strategy as follows: "Religion least admit it pure charming , super offers bi cessation of suffering grief, attain wisdom of Nirvana ... see birth and death are the benefits of mercy , understand this one vehicle path by this vehicle path , past and present future beyond the stream…”
Back in Business Journal A function (Q34) said: "If recluses , Brahmins do a class enlightenment , which the monks , nuns , Upasaka , Upasika decorations set in sex does not achieve the such merit , then that teaching is not called complete. By recluses punch into enlightenment class , but the monks , nuns , Upasaka , Upasika cultivate virtues andUpasaka , Upasika decorations set in education are achievements of merit so, should the Dhamma which is called full ", this passage shows that between Buddha and his disciples are consistent deliverance .
To explain the period of Tuesday, the nature of liberation of Buddha as profound liberation of the disciples also so, time to reach liberation have discrepancies , but the ultimate liberation of the disciples also were provided on identified with the Buddha's unsurpassed liberation , so in the Dharma Sutra, the product of means says: "Therefore, for the sake of Shariputra , for the sake of presenting the means , I speak of the paths to the cessation of suffering .until Nirvana , one oil said Nirvana , nor damages kill, the law from duty hybrid, generals usually quiet , Buddhists practice their religion and then, the next life unto the Buddha , we have health facilities , open presents around The three vehicles , all the World-Honored Ones , all speak of the One vehicle, and now in this assembly , they should all be excluded from misunderstandings, the Buddha's words are no different, only the one and two vehicles... the first most wonderful Dharma, for the sake of all beings , distinguish saying three vehicles, the wisdom is not fond of small dharmas, is not confident to become a Buddha , so using means , discriminating and saying the fruits, even though he speaks of the three vehicles , just for the sake of teaching bodhisattvas…” because this can serve as proof, to understand the meaning clearly. of liberation , which explains the two terms Mahayana and Theravada have differences as above.
Lesson 33
Indian Buddhist history says: "After the Buddha's death 600 to 1300 years, the Hinayana sects all had development, but the level of development of each group had great differences . There are sets that stop saying Hinayana and there are sets of transitions to Mahayana . The sectarian stop where Theravada much of the system Theravadin , the sect moved to Mahayana much of the system Mahasanghikas . The sets stop at the Hinayana like Theravada In the island of Ceylon, trying to preserve the original face of the Muc , the Right and the Kinh in the north, although the thought is more or less changed, they still do not give up the doctrine of Hinayana , because they are all from the point of view of external dharmas is real. The Bodhi School holds that our mind only knows external dharmas, the Sutrayana says that our mind can only know images , while external dharmas can still have its nature .
1. The development of sarvastivada : This sets up the meaning of life Ca ni multi element takes new finish . He authored Phat Trieulogy as the basic treatise of the series. In addition to Phatology, there are six other treatises as follows:
a. Discourse on the subject was written by Xa Loi before.
b. The quality of the commentary was written by the World-Owner .
( The author of these two treatises is based on the Commentary on Samaritanism.)
c. Consciousness body discussion by Thien Ho before the work.
d. The French Aggregates of Consciousness was written by Sariputta (the Chinese translation says that Muc Kien Lien Lien is the original work)
g. Competition sufficient reasoning by Maudgalyayana disciples writings (the draft translation for the Ca multi element takes ni writings)
e. About the body of the essay written by Phu Lau na (the Han translation is said to be The Huu authored by the author)
In Great location Comment said: "Eight by product type sufficiency argument , the first four by World Organic writings, the following four run by Arhat at the attackers before work. Except for this and Thi Thi Thiet Thuc, the remaining four volumes are all written by commentators . The commentators are the scholars after the Buddha's extinction . The six treatises are all based on Phat Tri's theory that composes an example as a complete argument, while Phat Tri's example is a body theory.
Era Ca ni ca identity back then, the scholar in Kashmir set together which explains Play reasoning mind . Duong Huyen Trang translates this series into A Pi Tat Ma Pi Ba Sa comment 200 volumes.
From this stage return ago, the scholar cardboard This medicine itself into Abhidharma ( the law ) called the French team is. From this stage return after the explanation clear of continental sufficiency argument , the scholars tones he called the monk she sa News International shaman . She sat down in the six succulents, except for the precepts of the body, they always claimed to be Lead.
Up to the time of the making of Ba Sa Sa, there are many different theories, there is the theory that Ba Sa Sa appeared more than 400 years after Buddha Nirvana , the Emperor translates The Body Story for about 500 years. There is only Dao Peak in the preface to the Bhikkhu Sa San , saying that after the Buddha's death more than 600 years, this theory is closest to the truth .
The Huu Bo school at that time took Ca low di la as the center and flourished in the northwest region of An. In Ba sa take sect Friends of the mainstream of the monk she lay monks in Kashmir , and cardboard from Friends of emanation is the professor at the Gandhara , the western and associate professor abroad.
Again at this time Mahayana Buddhism was circulating , so in the Basa treatise, three places were mentioned. As part where the obligations of the Buddha Nature posting said: "The sectarian Hinayana no need smoothly , why so? Because it is not the theory of To Dat Exhibit, Bhikkhuni, and Abhidhamma , it is just a legend , it is a legend , it may or may not be true.
Lai Huu has four great commentators appeared at the same time. The names of the four are Dharma Saving , Dieu Am, The Realm, and Giac Thien . Until Buddha passed away 900 years (Eastern tons China ) have the Avatar who Phu Long lay the la of water Kien multi-la , primal ordained place sarvastivada after studying Economics amount of , wanted to bring the doctrine Beijing Quantitative eclectic with Huu to complement the doctrinehit yourself. But because the original meaning is difficult to fully understand, so here he went to study with the erudite commentators of Ca low dila , studied with Arahant Ngo to gain all the essential meanings. After returning to his native country, he collected the essential meanings and compiled them into a 600-line text, in which he sometimes expressed his distrust of the legends .
After upon under the bridge from time of the scholar in Kashmir , And he explained the procedure clearly stated meaning , not necessarily rely on the cardboard only Friends of to explain , but every time there used interpretations of his It is also difficult to break the ancient inheritance of the Huu family . The commentary of the chants widely circulated in the world is called the Abhidhamma Sentence Commentary.
Contemporary commentator We beat the scholars unorthodox of Friends set , all chains Kosa of the World itself . The commentator who wrote Cau Xa Bao Bao also called Thuan Chanh theory , also composed another series, Hien Tong treat. Before the first set was intended to destroy the evil group, then used to show the righteous , because of the rejection of Avatar in his heart was still full of confusion and anger, so he revealed his shortcomings.of their own sect, so often contrary to the ancient meaning can be transparent . By the way, when the commentaries were circulated , the scholar called Tan slap her polymath. This is the ultimate development of the Right Order .
Lesson 34
2. The Development of the Sutras .
Northern transmission; The Sutras, which is the theory of turning… because this set takes the scriptures as the right amount, without depending on the law and the opposite (theory). Gathering the scriptures for the first time, the person who declared the scriptures was the venerable Ananda, so this set respects Ananda as the master .
Again, this set is also called the theory of transfer, which means transfer , ie develop from one life to another but do not lose, the dharma does not lose it, or it is called the seed or called the One taste aggregate . Unique means an immutable type .
This dharma has the full function of generating the results of nama (non- matter ) and rupa ( matter ), which produces form has the function of maintaining the rupa seed and mind seed seed , and giving birth to a mind has the function. maintain heart seed and excellent seed , sharp mind to maintain each other, so no comment on the status ownership interest or insensitive seeds are relatively continuous and undying. Khandhas with seed every time equivalentThis process always opposing each other, because (rough five aggregates ) and extinction paradigm , ie seed also called other names are marginal aggregates. The root means the most basic taste aggregate , because it is at the edge of the five aggregates, so it is called the boundary aggregate , that is, the gross five aggregates of the formations . Because personality is always continuity , which seed the aggregates every time exists gain of its personnel.
In the beginning, the Sutras set the mind beyond reality. Later, it gradually turned towards idealism . This series has two famous commentators , the former is named Kumarajiva (Dong Tho) who advocates the theory of materiality and tiger maintenance (form and mind sustain each other), the latter is named Losi Lada (Thang life). ) advocates the theory of Consciousness, ie taking the four subtle aggregates as the basis for the two dishes of form and mind, in samsara, there is never any interruption . If everywhere is Five aggregates is due to collection of element differences of color and attention should always have the break .
Back tone suggests that the species allergic born naturally have seeds outflows , that is not a comment Buddha was born or not born, or have heard legal or not listening to the French , these species can still function beyond birth Prince reached the attainment of liberation .
This mind back theorising Win means , for this is really down subtlest of Additional specialties old la , victory means is not separate from the five aggregates that course as read from the , chief amount of ... but also very subtle , can not use the language Descriptive language should be named Thang Nghia . The sacrifice of consciousness in the stage of not yet becoming a Buddha is the personality of the self. Victory of the Bodhi special la is a timeless essence , common to both ordinary people andBuddha .
Contemporary Business volume set for presentation A back in skin formulas, which establish the theory of Tam the capacitor ( Chief of the capacitor is a legal nirvana , Ta to converge is a legal non- nirvana , and Real to convergence is legal is not certain to Nirvana ).
This theory sets up the Five nature difference , me they like theory of the Five nature of consciousness-only , even theorising tasteless ineffective use as presentation of the Friends set . Theory tasteless uncreated this user I like the theory Chan course estate of Consciousness-Only . So we can say that the Sutrayana is the precursor of the later Mind Only doctrine .
3. The development of the Ministry of Mass .
After the Buddha's death, 900 years after the Buddha's death , there was a Hallelujah ( Lion Khai ) (or called That Ly da la ) appeared , feeling before the decline of the right group , but the followers of the right group only worried about arguments troublesome , so he tried to elucidate the ideas of the Mahayana and Hinayana schools to establish a separate doctrine .
Ha pear catch that capital came from caste Brahmins in the AAN, at first he followed the scholar Kumarajiva majority of Slapping she spent studying developmental conclusion , after time feel is not pleasant , and they leave to go in the three investigations cup waving met and studied with the great commentator of Mass sets and Mahayana , meaning He had attended all teachings of Mahayana and Theravada , survey Phat reasoning mindand then authored a current treatise called The Truth . In the treatise on the theory of human and non-humanity of the Realm , there is also a very special theory of the theory of duality . Bake according to the theory of Brackets , then this argument under the Multicultural Ministry in Mass set (born Tan France show project, phase honest arguments appear ).
Lesson 35
India Buddhism history says: Mahayana in India consists of two systems , that is the system of Prajna, i.e., the true dharmas, and the system of Yoga, ie, A re-arising of dependent origination . These two systems are nothing but two aspects of the same dharma. In terms of the nature and truth of the dharma, it is called the Truth of the General . In terms of the point of origin and appearance of the dharma, it is called A la da predestined argument . These two arguments cannot be separated from each other, so for the position of the two schools there can be no point of meeting .
The system of true dharmas is mastered by Long Tho , taking the south of India as the base, so the doctrine of this school is derived from the Mahasanghikas system . This theory says Minister of beings the universe are not - impossible to attain . That is to say, the marks of these dharmas are not non - zero ( completely void ), just because sentient beings use their poor understanding to seek distinctions , they do not reach the goal.the actual place of dharmas, so it is said that it is not impossible to obtain .
So how are the generals of the dharmas ? In the Madhyamika (q4) it says: " Depends on the arising of dharmas, I mean emptiness, also called pseudo-name , also called the middle way. There has never been a dharma, which is not caused by causes and conditions , so all dharmas are called emptiness”, this passage shows that all dharmas which are caused by causes and conditions are empty, and cause and conditions are themselves no, so the substance of all dharmas is unattainable .
Another method to destroy all dharmas of dependent origination , this school uses the meaning of the Eight Realms . Madhyamarg (q4) said: "Any birth heron immortal , Extraordinary heron estate segment , Real least heron duality , Real hybrid herons any production," this period that the French chiffon by predestined harmony that engenders should it is illusory, if it is true that there is birth, there is no need for a cause and effect , because it is not a real birth, so it is said that it is not born , when the forces of cause and effect decline.then the dharmas must be destroyed, but they were not born before, how can they cease, so it is called immortality .
The dharma that depends on dependent origination should be said to be abnormal, before it is now not called a section, before it didn't exist, how can there be a section? The dharmas that arise before and after are not the same, just as the rice dream and the grain of rice are not one, so it is said that they are inconsistent, but if they are said to be inconsistent, it is not possible from the rice dream to give birth to a grain of rice, but to give birth to something else, because born, so it's called anomaly. Again, in the grain of rice, there is a dream of rice, which does not come and go, so it is called non- return, and in the grain of rice, a rice dream is born, but it is not like a snake that produces venom, so it is called non-emergence. Above are four pairs of birth and death , permanent cessation , first and second, coming and going to treat each other, all due to sentient beingsAuthors general acceptance of the fact there is legal, which aware of mistakes , so use eight words to deny the law, so that it made reasonable Bat estate .
As this has denied the dharmas in the universe , so why are all natural phenomena still in front of our eyes , that is the secular truth . Although there is a difference in existence , it is not impossible to understand its difference . This is the First Truth . In Great location Comment said: "In Buddhism there are two substrates is worldly truth and First imperialism . Because of the worldly truth, we should say that sentient beings are real, because of the First Truth, we should say that sentient beings are not real have". Again in the Madhyamika (q4) it says: "The Buddhas rely on two truths for the sake of sentient beings who speak the Dharma, namely the mundane truth and the first truth . If someone does not know the meaning of the two truths , then for the depths of the dharmas, it is impossible to grasp the true meaning …” Both paragraphs above suggest that if one relies on the mundane truths to contemplate all things. Justice , all the measures are so predestined harmony , which the generals difference maze world , three worlds , six paths ... arise. Or by fate? The purity of the good roots of merit , which has different characteristics, enlightened precepts, the pure land of the Buddhas... appears.
Maze World and enlightened world, generals but have different but equally so predestined harmony is born, like truss, columns, purlins, office ... set compositing that into the house, the tree grouped into forests ... So the Minister of all with no legal nature or can it is not - impossible to attain . Thus, not waiting for dharmas to perish , to speak the truth , but not to move the true form, but to establish dharmas, because the two truths , though two, are not two, the world is inherently void , and the void is the worldly , that is miracle. Do ordinary mistakes mortgage outstanding property ownership is expected, second redundant maze vacuum is natural does not , place the true form which language sections religion , mental origin kill , see the truth in that legal vacuum organic magic . Ly Bat Real and the Second Emperor presented above, are the basic teachings of the system of True Dharmas .
Lesson 36
The theory of establishing the world of the true Dharmas , together with the meaning of the Hinayana, Abhidhamma , is a predestined karma argument. Tong said that ordinary because of ignorance but of unknown base , because that empire disguise , so predestined karma that flows of birth and death , if achieved tripods evident Minister of Justice is as illusory , dreamlike then escape samsara reached fruition liberating nirvana.
This school believes that the basis of creating karma for living beings is due to the mind, so the Great Wisdom Commentary (q2) says: "The Three Realms are inherently created by the mind" and in the Commentary (q8) it says: "All All dharmas are born from the mind.” Said the purpose of spiritual ultimate of beings is attainment Nirvana , Madhyamarg (q4) said: "No elected not to, no piece is not often, not born nor destroyed, we call it nirvana" This passage indicates the realm of Nirvana, which is the cessation of all language and thought . Said again: "The ultimate place ofNirvana and the end of the world , there is no difference between these two extremes ”, this is taking the real reality of the world as Nirvana , which is also the explanation of the First Truth .
The above is based on the writings of Long Life that explain the main idea of the Middle Way . Disciple of Long Life is Recommended she ( holiness ) appears after the Buddhist Nirvana is about 800 years (before 1700 year of Korea). Recommended she born in Sri Lanka to India and studied with Long Life , after traveling through the local Indian take neo Mahayana to convince pagan , ended up being hated by outsiders and plotted to kill . He has authored treatises such as Bach Anatomy , Outer Path Hinayana Four No Commentaries ... specializing in the method of breaking evil. Disciple of the offer she was Rahula la momentum shifting under terms appears the district of Long Life which explains Madhyamarg . Next, there is the Thanh Mu section , the commentary on the Middle Contemplation , and there is the Consistency before the entry into the Mahayanaargument… both aimed at promoting this sect . The two above the date of appearance is not clear, only the treatises written by them were translated into China by La Cross , so it is possible to know that they appeared not far after Deba .
At the time of Buddha's death in 1100 years (in the Tran dynasty in China ), a male Indian commentator, Thanh Bian , appeared before the commentary on Chuong Tran and Prajna . His previous materials are scholars seconded Number conclusion , after provisions towards Mahayana , his writings tolerated both theory formless period not of Long Life and Theory Consciousness-Only . From the point of view of the customary emperors , all dharmas are caused by causes and conditions predestined if it is not, measures can also be no so -called birth majeure attained . Standing on aspects Brackets subject, the nature of all measures is permanent ; Thus , Long Life 's theory of signlessness, stage and space , to this stage is somewhat reduced and transformed , this is the self- originating theory of Y.
At that time in India two this theory ( Y tha launch and Y auto start) occurs debated fiercely . By Thanh measures for Theory Y tha launch of Duy formula for that approach because karmic birth , it is not, that engenders the debate between No and Friends procrastination forever regardless of victory or defeat .
By the time of Buddha's Nirvana for more than 1200 years (Post- Chinese martial arts ), in the south of India, there was a commentator Nguyet worthy who wrote the Middle Way commentary , established the theory of compatibility with the Buddha's protection against the Thanh Dien . At that time there commentator Tri optical relying on theory Thanh measures to counter the proscription of the Moon value .
Lesson 37
SYSTEM Alaya origination OF Mahayana
About 900 years after the Buddha's death , the A system of preconditions for Asanga 's origination prevailed in the northwestern regions of India, the deep origin of this school comes from the Theravada system .
This cardboard establishment of all things unique formula , by mortal since time without beginning to now have enough consciousness. Consciousness means knowledge . Or called mind, mind means the set of origin . Or also known as the mind, the meaning means the amount of thought ( thinking ). Three dishes consciousness despite the mutual interference but it is different to ( Verse amnesty cardboard that have different names but can the homogeneous).
The eight consciousnesses are the six consciousnesses of eye, ear, billion, tongue, body, mind, and manna consciousness, and A and skin consciousness . In which Manna means the sixth consciousness with the same name. So translate it as Manna to make it easier to distinguish , one is to translate the sound, the other is to translate the meaning, again because the structure of those two names is different, the sixth consciousness is the consciousness of the mind, ie depending on the meaning. The main reason to explain , this consciousness takes the seventh consciousness as the basis for y , the seventh consciousness is called the mind, so it is called the mind of the mind. Seventh Consciousness called consciousness, ie depending on the meaning of keeping karma explained , the seventh consciousness has the ability to introspect and consider , calling that function the meaning should say consciousness.
Eighth A is again transliterated as store consciousness . Treasure has three meanings.
Energy Museum: This Soul has the power to preserve the strain element contamination of the legal impurity ( seed synonymous with capacity ie the capacity development of law), y in the function stored it should be called a museum.
Number of floors: the strains of Prince contamination decorations set in this mode, this mode as shelters, which by containing strains of death so called Museum.
Attachment: The seventh Manna consciousness holds this consciousness ( A la da consciousness ) as the real self , this consciousness is an object of attachment, so it is called a store.
With all three meanings, it is called store consciousness . In only eight official Eighth formula is the ability to preserve seed of things that should not perish, besides the other methods can not function this. Because the previous six consciousnesses, while falling into deep trance , there is a break , the seventh consciousness has a very subtle effect , although there is no interruption, but when one sees the Four Noble Truths , it changes all previous defilements. its own, so it also has no function preserve seed of all things .
Eight formula above are due to causes and conditions that being, is compounded so impermanent . Besides seven previous formula decorations set seed Eighth informal , in the Eighth formula to decorations set seed every method in the Eighth formula , Eighth informal received the seed of the formula decorations set on which arises the law. Thus , the eighth consciousness and the previous seven consciousnesses have causal interference , so there are eight current consciousnesses that continue until the universe of the maze world appears.
Back traditionally have seed outflow departed disturbing delusion slash at Eighth formula , then the seed that expands the universe of the universe , so the legal world , the Earth , organic contraband , outflows , are all depend on the dyke of the bowl of consciousness as the root. If we discuss the true nature of consciousnesses, then that is the truth .
This cardboard to divide beings universe into 5 sections 100 legal status.
1. The mind king has 8 consciousnesses
2. The center has 51 dharmas.
3. The dharma has 11 dharmas.
4. Unmatched action has 24 French.
5. No law has 6 France.
94 previous measures compounded the legal world . The following 6 dharmas are unconditioned, which is world-out . 5 You take consciousness mastery 4 parts you rest, the mental factor is the support possible, material is image basis of consciousness and mental states , unconditioned is to nature , to nature is most leg as that appears urban difference in 6 species of beings . Because of the king's mind , in addition, theDharma does not leave the mind king that should be called only consciousness .
Lesson 38
Tam Tanh and Tam No Tanh
Cardboard only form for legal entities in the universe , established theory Tam nature and Tam indefinite nature . Now, the interpretation of Tam Tanh and Tam no nature is as follows:
"Because Belgium was variable design , the variable design generic things, try turning accepted accounting basis , nature wealth ownership ." (Due to the next variable nature , clinging to all things, the next variable nature grasping , it is not real by itself )
Note : Belgian Belgium is also known as race , variable is variable, next is speculation. Ie shifting into two parts with the Knowledge and General stalks should portray infer cosmic beings because here the manifest . Expected short-circuit type nature discrepancies are called variable mortgage facility design nature , so nature absolutely no ownership . Like a person walking at night, seeing a tree mistakenly recognizes it as a demon, in the morning there are no ghosts.
"Y tha arises self-nature , distinguishes the condition of birth".
Comment : Forgiveness refers to conditions, Y tha is dependent on dependent conditions, such as eye consciousness has 9 newly born conditions, ear consciousness has 8 newly born conditions… the distinction is clearly discernible consciousness . Soul is a collection of current launch of grace, that is consciousness , mental states , is part , contrast , organic contraband , outflows are dependent on the grace that arise . They all have the discriminating consciousness that manifests . Like a person walking in the dark, seeing the tree of the image is real.
"The honest u longevity often renunciation money nature" ( Members of truth because it was often separated from nature before).
Vien means fullness , success is achievement , it's true , Belgium is only Y tha starting nature , pre-nature is only Variable next to grasping. This means that this completeness is a true achievement of the truth, with no false hope , ie in Y tha, the nature of the dependent origination is often far away from the variable nature . Just as trees are not demons, demons have no trees.
"Try to attend Y tha , non-differentiated." ( To be honest with Ytha , it's no different.)
Annotation : Try just Members of the true nature , non-heterosexual is the foot as the Member of truth, meaning that leg as the Y tha starter, non-real horror means Y tha launch the dharma of all compounded , Vienna city really the dharmata of all conditioned dharmas .
"As impermanent equals, non-perceptive, equals" (As impermanent equals, does not see here and there).
Comment : Impermanence means no birth and death , nature means truth , equality means equality with no-self . That is, all dharmas arise and die, each of which has a different appearance , but all have the same impermanence and non-self . All of them have impermanent nature, so they are non-different, and all have different characteristics, so they are non- different . Because impermanence is itself impermanent , dharma itself is dharma. Try is just impermanent nature . Belgium is all dharma. Phi is also said to be ant. It's to say impermanenceAlong with all dharmas, there is a sense of non-differentiality and non-differentiality, which is contained therein. The same is true of Vien and Y tha .
Tam is no-nonsense .
a. General no nature : General Variables design attachment is completely unreal .
b. Being very nature : no hope observance of the ordinary , is self surprised by all the measures are due to causes and conditions of birth .
c. Win the meaning of no nature : the true nature does not have the true nature of the true self of the Facility of Variables .
So each method has enough Tam nature and Tam indefinite nature , the essence of the Three nature and Tam indefinite nature ie legs like , before it permanent with no change difference here is the real essence of the unique formula . This cardboard theorising Tam nature and Three very nature , attention to that formless stage no conclusions of Long Life advocated only gave theoretical Three very nature , although this is the deepest of the Buddha but the reason is not yet complete. Now this school establishes the theory of the Three Natures and the Three No-Natures and displays both, then that reason is complete .
Lesson 39
The Consciousness School maintains that all conditioned dharmas, which are the dependent origination of the universe , all belong to the place where the mind changes. But how to prove it?
Answer: now depends on the morality of transformation and the morality of training . In eight form A re-skin formula is the seat contains the seed of all things and also a refuge of seed outflow , this can say in all the previous strategies. Ie from Eighth wake turn out the five senses , the seed of all things and all the alien world to distinguish it. A again the skin consciousness turns into the seven previous consciousnesses. In the wake filed seven ventricular formula with constant evaluation nature from wages , takeThe distinguishing function of A is the skin consciousness as a place of grace. Because the seventh consciousness purely observes within, therefore, often clings to the true self and the real dharma. The Sixth Consciousness is predestined for all internal and external scenes. The remaining five consciousnesses, its effect is the ability to know and distinguish .
The eight consciousnesses of the above conditions are not things outside the mind, but are all places where the mind 's own mind changes . That is, where the mind distinguishes between objective and subjective , on the subjective there is an objective distinction and knows the use of objective knowledge. Therefore, it is divided into the following four parts.
1. General part : indicates the object scene, eg cloth.
2. Parts : only distinguishing functions , such as a measure.
3. Self-evidence : the ability to clearly know and distinguish without deviation, for example, wisdom can know how to measure all measures.
4. Self-evidence section : the ability to know the Self-evidence section , eg people know the quantity of cloth.
Once the four parts are fully used, it is the mind dharma . The eight consciousnesses on each of them have four such uses . By taking the inner part as a condition to cling to it before it arises, it is called a consciousness variable .
Eighth formula contains all the seed of all things , seed of which there are two types.
1. Quotations seed : spot start work see hear or know of seven previous form are saved in the Eighth informal , informal means decorations set result form the seed , and they rely on the potential power that exists , It is also a factor that generates wisdom later on. Again for that the habit of gas flow is due to the same type of birth, which is due to the gas part of the collection .
2. Industrial seed : filed continental wake karma and evil , the Lord set the race element into a re-skin formula , simultaneous with the performance feel to outside Quotations seed that grew forces , out of kind The level of creating different karma that expands all over the world. Because of these kinds of seeds , their nature is indeterminate , weak forces cannot develop by themselves, must rely on the force of karmajust started . Seed now called acclimatized seed , that is due to karma and evil that achieve results neutral , nature's call of various fruits and so-called heterosexual maturity .
Due to past A re-skin formula contained two types of seed on, successor flow that has a formula to skin current , turned out five apartments start the external world to seven prior knowledge to the entire universe . By the way once again by the power of Quotations seed and Industrial seeds Order episode that Futurism A polynomial again current . Thus, from beginningless time to the present, A is present without interruption . Seed inA re-skin formula derived in full, there is literature enlightened new orders set to, like back to continue making the organic seed and new orders seeds . Due to the force of the seed of this has turned out to cosmic delusion . Until establishment realization is presented by relying on seed outflow of Eighth formula , seed purity as personnel, decorations collective teachings of Buddha Bodhisattva coy, once in open play outflows. Ultimately bowl informal property illegally converted into bowl formula outflow current , which attained the Buddha fruit.
Lesson 40
Relying on experience intimate Award by the Buddhist theory , we can know the origin of cardboard Duy formula . Later, Maitreya Bodhisattva descended at the Amitabha lecture hall in the Indian kingdom , because Asanga taught the five great treatises, which are the basic treatises of the Mind Only school . According to Chinese legend, those five treatises are as follows.
1. Yoga teacher of geography .
2. Distinguishing yogis commentary .
3. Mahayana dignified sutras .
4. The median of discriminatory theory .
5. Vajrasattva commentary .
Because of this, the Mind Only School gradually developed, Asanga also wrote a lot, he is the great master of the Mind Only doctrine, taking the dharmata of mind only as the basis . Kids of Wuxi before the world body steps scholar scholarly entire teachings of Buddhism , are people honored the God of commentator , means for Theravada and Mahayana each side his writings are 500 commentaries. Relying on the Great Tripitaka that has been translated into ChinaTo find out , the idea of Avatar can at least be divided into four periods .
1. Period of Theravada property sets .
2. The Mahayana period only consciousness .
3. Dharma Flower Nirvana period .
4. The period of the pure land force .
As for the writings of these four periods , there is still enough for us to examine. Around the time of The body appeared to Buddha attained Nirvana in 1100, has ten're great master tones Duy wake before after succeeding appear . The names of the commentators are: Than Thang , Hoa Bao , Duc Hue , Nanda , Tinh Nguyet , Thang Huu , Thang Tu , Tri Nguyet , An Hui .and Legal Protection . Including Passport France who inherited unorthodox and higher into the doctrine of the world body , refined definition of consciousness-only are in the writings of ten this position. As previously said, the meaning of Mind Only is more than half dependent on the writings of the Dharma Protector .
At that time, there was Tran na who established the theory of the Three Parts, and he was the leader of the human civilization . Again among the disciples of the Dharma Protectorate, there was the teacher Gioi sage , when Xuanzang du An (Buddha Nirvana 1700 years) had come to receive his teachings . The commentator wanted to promote the righteous cause of the Dharma Protector , so together with Tri Quang belonging to the Madhyamika sect of Thanh Bian , he argued about the point of Huu Wu of the other .
At that time, the Nalanda temple in the country of Ma Kiet Da , from Vasubandhu onward was the basic ashram for studying Buddhism . Based on the record of shaman Nghia Tinh , Nalanda Pagoda at that time had 8 institutes, 300 rooms, increasing them more than 5000, see here we can know the success of Nalanda . According to the legend of Tibet , Asanga , Vasubandhu also had a period at the templeNalanda to commend Dharma ... After Buddha's death in 1150 in wizards that situation to Nalanda , also has French value before the set amount of reasoning which hung Human illustrated . Then 50 years of Buddhism in India was in recession, the practice Pure soon spread to Tibet and China, whereas in India the practice was not much prevailed.
With the doctrine pure Secretarial exoteric , circulated with the thoughts fall into the nuisance stems with stunning good of the faithful scholars ; Tantricism is falling into superstition that advocates the increasing number of sacrifices , which distorts the Buddhist principles . By the way, Buddhist thought had a rapid shift right there towards its decline . Pagan schools of Phệ rusticBefore, there was Cu Ma Ly la belonging to the Di Man Ta sect , then there was Thuong Dat La who also belonged to this sect... took the opportunity to try to promote his sect , because of this Buddhism was strongly attacked . Since then, Esotericism has become increasingly corrupt, along with Hinduism there is a mixture that separates the Buddha 's teaching , the difference is far from the truth .
Until Buddha passed away more than 1,600 years ( period total ground China ), after superficial teachers retake power , but this period Buddhism still has protected remnants in eastern India. By the time the Buddha died 2100 years ago, Brahminism , Islam , Christianity... mixed and spread to India and Buddhism because of this, it was destroyed without any trace of influence in India . But southern Buddhist countries like the whole island of Ceylon, Vu Gia Lap Loan, East as Siam, Burma... Buddhism is still and flourishing.END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/6/2021.
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