Saturday, June 19, 2021

SIX LEGENDARY GLASSES. (Major chant together) My disciples would like to join the Buddhists in BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL,GOLDEN SHAKYAMUNI MONASTERY practice the six dharmas of harmony. 1. Peace and harmony: When practicing together to do their duties at the temple, at BUDDHIST DHARMA WHEEL ,GOLDEN SHAKYAMUNI MONASTERY, they should often take care of each other and help each other. (1 bell, 1 bow) 2. Harmony and avoidance: When communicating and instructing each other, always show the spirit of encouraging and admonishing together to do good, stop doing evil. (1 bell, 1 bow) 3. Peace of mind to review: When doing our duties together, always respect and cherish the opinions of others, if those ideas are correct, and if not, let's work together. discuss and agree happily. (1 bell, 1 bow) 4. About harmonizing fellow practitioners: Knowing how to admit mistakes and point out each other's faults according to the 17 precepts, to advance together. (1 bell, 1 bow) 5. Mediation and reconciliation: If you have any understanding of the truth, or the way you understand it, please share it with everyone and practice together. Understanding of cause and effect, suffering, impermanence and non-self, together with the book of pushing each other to let go of craving towards liberation from samsara. (1 bell, 1 bow) 6. Loyalty and harmony: When doing duties, sharing food and drink, caring for each other, legally equal, means equality in the community. class. (1 bell, 1 bow) Namo Buddha Buddha Shakyamuni! (3 bells, 1 bow) PAYING THE Bodhi vow (Kneel, join hands, all make a vow) Namo Buddha Buddha Shakyamuni! I pray with the Buddhists DHARMA WHEEL ,GOLDEN SHAKYAMUNI MONASTERY. Practice THE SIX POINTS OF REVERENT HARMONY vows to practice meritorious deeds: BUDDHISM BUDDHA SUCCESSFULLY GIAN. (bold part read 3 times) (1 bell) We dedicate ourselves to the Buddha's Fa-rectification to be praised and flourished. (3 bells).END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/6/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.

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