Saturday, June 19, 2021

TRISARANA.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH. (Major chant together) I vow to take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the Dharma, and take refuge in the Sangha. (1 bell, 1 bow) – Taking refuge in the Buddha: I will always respect, worship and follow Buddha Shakyamuni, our enlightened and enlightened teacher. (1 bell, 1 bow) – Taking refuge in the Dharma: I will always respect and follow the Dharma from the Buddha's mouth. (1 bell, 1 bow) - Taking refuge in the Sangha: I will always respect and follow the monks who practice the Dharma of the Tathagata. (1 bell, 1 bow) * I take refuge in the Buddha, I don't respect and follow heaven, gods, demons, and animals. (1 bell, 1 bow) * Once I have taken refuge in the Dharma, I do not respect the practice of non-Buddhists and heretics. (1 bell, 1 bow) * Take refuge in the Sangha, I don't respect, make friends with evil friends, evil groups. (1 bell, 1 bow).END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/6/2021.

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