Saturday, June 12, 2021
Taking refuge in the Three Jewels and Upholding the Five Precepts
Men and women are still mortals, not yet Saints, in daily life, sometimes because they are easy to care for, they accidentally break any precepts in their lives. five-world. The best thing is that every night before going to bed, the male and female attendants should go to the Buddha's altar, pay respects to the Buddha, and then personally ask for the permission to take refuge in the Tam- protect and uphold his five precepts again.
Thus, that male and female near-masculine person preserves the eight streams of merit, his good stream flowing endlessly, bringing benefit, evolution, and happiness in the present life. present and innumerable future kalpas, especially as a profound blessing in the teaching of Gotama Buddha.
The Five Precepts
Men and women who have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and uphold the five precepts have pure faith in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Buddha. , The Sangha, believing in karma and its results, being ashamed of sin, knowing fear of sin, knowing self-respect, and keeping one's five precepts pure and complete, people near-masculine, close-female not only create great-good karma-karma in the five precepts, but also create 5 meritorious alms-giving called 5 great alms-giving which is harmless, safe Since there is no injustice, no suffering to countless sentient beings in all species, so that men and women can enjoy harmlessness, safety, and freedom from injustice, innumerable. sentient beings do not suffer near-masculine, near-female in this present life and countless future lives.
The Superiority of Those Who Take Refuge in the Three Jewels and Uphold the Five Precepts
In the case of men and women who have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and have upheld the five precepts, and those who have not taken refuge in the Three Jewels and have not kept the five precepts. If both of these people break the precept to drink alcohol and beer, and create bad karma for drinking alcohol and beer, who will create heavy bad karma? Who creates light negative karma?
This question is similar to the question asked by King Milinda, who asked the Elder Nāgasena that:
King Milinda (1) asked the general idea as follows:
- Dear Venerable Venerable Nāgasena, one who is ignorant of negative karma and one who knows about negative karma. If both people create the same negative karma, who creates heavy negative karma? Who creates light negative karma? White Sir.
Venerable Venerable Nāgasena replied that:
- Great King, one who does not understand (ajānanto) of evil karma, and one who is knowledgeable about bad karma (jānanto) creates the same negative karma, the person who does not understand bad karma, creates bad karma. heavy, while those who know about evil karma create light negative karma.
Hearing this, King Milinda said:
- Dear Sir, if so, the officials and soldiers in my court, who do not understand the law and break the law, I must punish and punish that person for serious crimes. is that true? White Sir.
Venerable Venerable Nāgasena explained by example that:
- Dear King, how do you understand this:
An iron ingot is burned red, a person who does not understand the hot iron reaches out his hand to touch it, and another person who understands the hot iron is reluctant to reach out and touch the iron ingot. that hot.
Which of the two people touched the hot iron, which one was badly burned? Who has mild burns?
- Dear Sir, of course, if you don't understand the hot iron and touch it with your hand, you will definitely get burned. And those who know the hot iron but reluctantly reach out and touch the hot iron, they will be slightly burned. White Sir.
"In the same way, great king, whoever does not understand bad karma and creates evil karma, that person creates heavy negative karma. And a person who knows about negative karma and is reluctant to create negative karma, that person creates light negative karma.
Based on the answer of Venerable Venerable Nāgasena, it should be understood that:
The male approachable person who has taken refuge in the Three Jewels and has observed the five precepts, and the friend who has neither taken refuge in the Three Jewels nor upheld the five precepts, the two friends meet, invited into the pub to drink wine and beer, so both of them broke the precept of drinking alcohol and beer, creating negative karma for drinking alcohol and beer. Of these two people, who did not take refuge in the Three Jewels and did not observe the five precepts, creating the negative karma of drinking heavy alcohol and beer. As for those who have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and have upheld the five precepts, then reluctantly breaking the precepts of drinking alcohol and beer, they create negative karma for drinking alcohol and light beer.
The reason why?
* The person who does not take refuge in the Three Jewels and does not observe the five precepts, who has no faith in the Three Jewels, does not believe in karma and its results, is not ashamed of sin, do not know the fear of sin, when they break the precept to drink wine and beer with a mind of joy and pleasure, they create evil karma for drinking alcohol and heavy beer, then they do not know how to repent, do not know how to avoid drinking, beer. Therefore, that person has created the negative karma of drinking alcohol, beer is much heavier.
* As for the near-male who has taken refuge in the Three Jewels and has upheld the five precepts, who has pure faith in the Three Jewels, believes in karma and its results, and is ashamed of himself. sin, fear of sin. But out of respect for old friends, or because of the power of afflictions, greed, and desire to cause you to break the precepts of drinking wine and beer with your friends, creating the negative karma of drinking alcohol and beer is much lighter, because after knowing that you have committed the offense Because of the precepts to drink alcohol and beer, that male near-mate is ashamed of his sins, afraid of them, repents and repents, and then voluntarily asks to take up the five precepts again, which has the precepts:
"I take the precepts with the intention of abstaining from drinking alcohol, beer, and intoxicants, which are the cause of laxity in all kusalas."
After completing the observance of the five precepts, that male near-masculine person becomes a person with the five precepts, and then keeps the five precepts pure and complete, to serve as the foundation and refuge for all good deeds. -Dharma arises and develops from the wholesome dharma of the desire-sphere, the wholesome dhamma of the form-sphere, the wholesome dharma of the formless-sphere, to the super-three-worldly wholesome dharma that is the Noble Path-mind, depending according to the power of the perfections of conduct and the five dharma-masters (indriya): dharma-master of faith, dharma-master of practice, dharma-master of mindfulness, dharma-master of concentration, dharma-master of wisdom-of-the-close- that masculinity.
That is the preeminence of men and women who have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and have upheld the five precepts.
Before Creating Bad Karma After Creating Good Karma
In the past, someone who is close to an evil friend (pāpamitta), should create even though his bad karma is heavy, even if his bad karma is light, but in the future, that person is close to his good friend (kalyāṇamitta) ), leading to pay homage to the Buddha, listen to the true Dharma, and generate pure faith in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. taking refuge in the Three Jewels and upholding the five precepts, becoming a male (or female) person in Gotama Buddha's teachings, and then abstaining from all evil karma, try to create all good kamma.
By means of this great kusala kamma it reduces the potential for the result of that heavy negative kamma, or by the higher kusala kamma that makes it impossible for the bad kamma to have a painful result.
Indeed, * as is the case with King Ajata-sattu, who resides in the city-city of Rajagaha and reigns over Māgadha.
Some time ago, King Ajātasattu was close to the bhikkhu Devadatta, listened to the advice of the bhikkhu Devadatta, so King Ajātasattu broke the precept of killing and killed the Venerable Father Bimbisāra. create non-serious evil karma. King Ajātasattu deeply regretted suffering.
If King Ajātasattu dies, then surely that non-serious negative karma will result in rebirth in the next life in the great hell realm of Avīci, which no karma can prevent.
Later, thanks to the royal physician Jīvaka, he invited King Ajātasattu to come and pay homage to the Blessed One. At that time, the World-Honored One gave a discourse on the Sāmaññaphalasutta to save the king.
After listening to that sutta, King Ajātasattu was filled with joy like never before, so he generated pure faith in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Buddha. Sangha, respectfully ask for permission to take refuge in the Three Jewels, and then respectfully ask the Blessed One to recognize the King as a man who has taken refuge in the Three Jewels ever since. At that moment, King Ajātasattu sincerely apologized for his sin of killing his Father-King. Please, Lord-World-Honored One, prove it.
From then on, King Ajātasattu was a special male attendant with pure faith in the Three Jewels, devotedly taking care of the Three Jewels.
After the Buddha Gotama passed away from Nirvana for 3 months and 4 days, the great elder Mahā-kassapa presided over the first collection of the Pāḷi Tripitaka and the Pāḷi Commentary, including 500 Saints. Arahant at Sattapaṇṇi cave, near the city of Rajagaha, Māgadha country.
King Ajātasattu was the guardian of 500 Arahants during the first collection of the Pāḷi Tripitaka and the Pāḷi Commentary, and it took 7 months to complete the entire Pāḷi Tripitaka and the Commentary. Pāḷi.
King Ajātasattu devoted himself to serving the Three Jewels for the rest of his life.
After the death of King Ajātasattu, the innocent evil karma of killing the Father King should have resulted in rebirth in the next life in the great hell-hell of Avīci, but thanks to the great virtue- The karma of taking refuge in the Three Jewels and especially the great-good karma of protecting the 500 Arahants in the first collection of the Pāḷi Tripitaka and the Pāḷi Commentary by King Ajātasattu reduces the potential For the result of such non-serious negative karma, only the fruit of rebirth in the next life in the Lohakumbhī sub-hell (hell of the boiling copper pot) lasted for 60,000 years.
The Buddha taught in a nutshell:
“After the death of King Ajātasattu, the grievous evil karma of killing the Father only results in rebirth in the next life in the Lohakumbhī (boiling copper pot hell) sub-hell. From the mouth of the pot to the bottom of the pot it takes about 30.00 years, and then from the bottom of the pot to the top of the pot, it takes about 30,000 years to complete the results of that bad karma. Because thanks to higher-good-now for the results re-birth next life back to people, post-birth of German-king Ajatasattu home to become Germany-Buddha Single-Enlightenment, whose title is German-Buddha Single-Enlightenment Vijitavi " ( 1) .
* In the case of a murderer who killed more than a thousand people, and then cut off an index finger to make a necklace, he was nicknamed Aṅgulimāla, who lived in the deep forest.
One day, Buddha Gotama entered the forest to save the murderer and robber Aṅgulimāla. When he saw the Buddha walking leisurely with magical powers, the murderer and robber Aṅgulimāla took his sword and ran after him to kill the Buddha, even though he ran as fast as he could for 3 yojanas but still couldn't. catching up with the Buddha, he was so exhausted that he stopped, then called to the Buddha, saying:
- Come on, Sa-mon, stop!
The Buddha still walked calmly, then taught that:
- Hey Aṅgulimāla! The Tathagata has stopped long ago.
You are the only one who refuses to stop.
Hearing the Buddha's teaching like this, the murderer and robber Aṅgulimāla was very surprised, thinking that:
“The Sakyas used to speak the truth, say as they do, and do as they say. But in this case, the ascetic was walking, but said, "The Tathagata has stopped for a long time." And I have stopped already, the recluse said, "It is you who has not stopped yet."
So, what does that mean?".
Aṅgulimāla then asked the Blessed One, saying:
- Hey samana! In fact, he was walking but said, "The Tathagata has stopped for a long time." And I stopped, he said, "It's you who haven't stopped yet."
What did he mean by that?
The Blessed One explained that:
- Hey Aṅgulimāla! The fact that "the Tathagata has stopped long ago" means that the Tathagata has long since given up killing all sentient beings. But I have not yet given up killing sentient beings.
Therefore, the Tathagata said: "It is you who has not stopped yet."
Listening to the Buddha's explanation like this, the murderer and robber Aṅgulimāla immediately woke up, threw his weapons into the pit, and at the same time knew that this recluse was the Blessed One, so came to pay homage to the Blessed One, and then said:
- Dear World-Honored One, you are the Master of the gods, brahmins, and humans. The World-Honored One, with great compassion, came to this forest to save me from my delusion and to awaken again.
- Dear World-Honored One, from now on, I vow to give up all negative karma. Please prove my sincere repentance for my sins.
After that, Aṅgulimāla came and bowed down at the feet of the Buddha, respectfully asking the Buddha for permission to become a monk.
The World-Honored One had the Buddha's eyes to see clearly, knowing that A phướcgulimāla's blessings and conditions could generate all eight items of a monk's possessions, so the Buddha extended his right hand, just with his index finger. teach that:
“Ehi bhikkhu! …”.
- Hey Aṅgulimāla! You may become a bhikkhu as you wish. The Dharma taught by the Tathagata is perfect at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. You should practice noble conduct in order to be completely freed from suffering.
After the Buddha had just finished teaching, Aṅgulimāla became a monk with all 8 items of a monk's possessions arising like supernatural powers, with a dignified monk like a 60-year-old elder. .
The Blessed One returned to the Jetavana temple, followed by the monk Aṅgulimāla.
Not long after, the monk Aṅgulimāla alone in a secluded place diligently practiced the Dharma, practiced meditation and wisdom, leading to the realization of the truth of the four Noble Truths, the attainment of the Four Noble Truths, the Four Noble Truths- fruition, Nirvana, annihilation of all craving, all afflictions without residue, becoming an Arahant. At that time, in a secluded place, Venerable Aṅgulimāla with great joy uttered a verse that said:
“Yo ca pubbe pamajjitvā, pacchā so nappamajjati. So'maṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, abbhā muttova candimā” (1) .
Those who are first easy to maintain mindfulness, After that, he is not easy to maintain mindfulness, Practice the four foundations of mindfulness.
That meditator makes his life shine, Like the moon emerging from the clouds.
When the Venerable Venerable A tịchgulimāla passed away Nirvana, liberated from the sufferings of birth and death, rebirth in the three realms of existence, at the same time all negative karmas and all great wholesome kammas were accumulated and stored there. in beginningless loving-kindness, through innumerable lifetimes from one life to the next, up to the present life, before becoming an Arahant, they all become karmic ineffectual (ahosikamma), ceased to exist. there is a chance for fruition anymore, because there is no rebirth in the next life.
That is the preeminence of the shravakas disciples of Buddha Gotama, whose morality is completely pure as the foundation, as a refuge for all kusala dhammas from the lust precept to the good dharma, The kusala kusala dhamma, the kusala dhamma formless world, to the kusala dhamma supramundane are developed according to the abilities of each shravaka disciple of the Buddha.END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/6/2021.
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