Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Five Precepts in Buddhism. The operation according to the laws, either general or different, of the phenomenon of life, all take place according to a certain rule and law, in which there are basic laws for human life. Humans live in this world is to live with everyone, with others, so there must be a law to prohibit all actions and deeds that cause harm to others. To a certain extent, the law is the basis for creating justice and fairness for everyone in the human community. There is proper fairness with good or evil actions, then society has a chance to move forward. Such is the essential need of earthly law. For the transformation of the soul, renewal of life, towards the horizon of peace and liberation, there must also be certain rules, called precepts. These are restrictions, prohibitions, prevent people from acting in a way that harms themselves and others. This precept is as strict as the traffic law, if anyone does not comply, it will certainly cause disaster for many people and for themselves. Cultivators too, after receiving the three refuges, of course they must adhere to the five precepts as the foundation for a new life. The Five Precepts are the simplest code, but the most profound basic code, opening the way to holiness. Shakyamuni Buddha had a will before he entered Nirvana that: "After I pass away, you must cultivate, respect the precepts as teachers." The Five Precepts are five prohibitions that guide all life activities of Buddhist believers. It is a barrier that prevents us from falling into the river of sorrow and confusion. The word precept has a very broad meaning to forbid, do not do, to force oneself, Preventive measures such as building dikes to prevent flooding, building strong embankments to retain water. Those are specific images to understand the word gender. When we cross the tall bridge across the wide river, the water flows fast, if the bridge does not have railings and barriers on both sides, we will feel dizzy, unable to move because of anxiety. On the contrary, if there are railings and solid barriers on both sides, we can cross the bridge very peacefully. Precepts have the same value and meaning. In the Maitreya Sutra, it is said that precepts are the number one place of peace for the soul and actions of liberated practitioners. That is, the precepts help us to provide the ultimate means to practice ending rebirth from countless lives of misery and suffering. In Buddhism, there are two major aspects of liberation, namely, the Discipline of Liberation and the Wisdom of Liberation. That is, we get out of the cycle of suffering and confusion by two measures: keeping the precepts and perceiving with the light of knowledge of the Saints. Practicing without building a precept dike, the water source of wisdom will seep through the gap and flow away. Therefore, in the sutras say, from dawn the Dharma is handed down as human Precepts give birth to Concentration, and human Concentration develops Wisdom, that is, from the place of keeping the precepts, the soul is quiet and deeply settled. From the place of deep meditation, wisdom arises. From there, it strengthens and illuminates the practice of precepts. Thus, in the interplay of mutual influence to assist in attaining the realm of peaceful liberation, the five precepts are the greatest common ground, the common denominator for all monastic or lay precepts. The five commandments are: 1. Abstain from killing, 2. Avoid theft, 3. Avoid adultery, 4. Avoid lying, 5. Avoid laziness, drink alcohol and intoxicants. These five precepts are based on compassion, equality, in terms of eliminating personal sins and bringing order, happiness and peace to society. 1. Not to kill: Not to kill, kill life, specifically human life, animal life. Primarily important is human life, for man is a higher consciousness than any other animal. Humans are animals with the highest ability to practice enlightenment, humans are higher than gods because it is rare in the lives of gods to have an enlightened cultivator because they are always worried about happiness, losing their will. The world suffers more than joy, people have the will, the will to decide to become a Buddha. Therefore, killing people is the heaviest crime among all living things in this world. Next is to try to avoid killing the lives of animals such as poultry, livestock, wild animals, down to the smallest animals. All of them are more evolutionary life than plants. So cutting off the life of one species in order to pay for the life of another is an evil act, incompatible with the doctrine. Moreover, we all consider our lives to be precious, a wonderful treasure. If harmed, everyone will fight back fiercely to protect their lives. We ourselves know how to cherish our lives like that, by extension animals also know how to value their lives. Therefore, Buddhism forbids killing to respect justice. The Buddha did not agree for his disciples to kill and take their lives, because to bring the mind to kill life is cruelty to the climax, causing compassion to be strangled, is to kill your own compassion. That's why Buddhism forbids killing to cultivate compassion. When I take a life, resentment can't be quenched, the person who was killed held a grudge against the killer. Therefore, Buddhism forbids killing to avoid retribution. 2. Do not steal People living in this world have two lives, which is the life itself with this regular breathing and the outside life which is material possessions, money, fields, and property of all kinds. Taking things that do not belong to one's possession, without the consent of the owner, or forcing others to consent by authority is a violation of precepts. The big and precious things such as houses, money, fields and gardens... to the petty things such as chili peppers, leaves and vegetables, etc., if others do not allow them to appropriate them, they are all committing robberies. Stealing from others is killing their external lives, making them miserable. People often say: "Money is like the bloodline". We don't want anyone to take ours, neither does anyone else. If taking from others in an contrary way is against justice, it cannot exist.... Therefore, being a disciple of Buddha, should try to cultivate compassion. Thieves and robbers are not people of minimum value, they live precarious and fearful lives. It is a disgraceful sin against civilized society. Buddhists who keep the precept not to steal or rob is to create confidence and security for themselves and for society. We keep the precept of not stealing to avoid the karma of revenge. In an organized society, respecting justice, theft is always punished. So in order to create fairness, equality, cultivate compassion and avoid retribution later, the Buddha advised us not to steal. 3. Do not commit adultery: Fornication wants to talk about lewd, non-respectful, illegal. The law teaches monastics to completely stop lust, and people at home are not allowed to commit adultery. When a husband and wife get married, it's called righteous, and in addition, sneaking around and doing illegal activities is called adultery. When you have a couple and have friends, absolutely do not violate the chastity of others. Committing this crime easily gives rise to many other crimes, sowing disasters to themselves, their families and other people's families. Those who love promiscuity, they cause many troubles, their souls are not pure, they are not respected by the world. Keeping the precept not to commit adultery protects the personality and protects the peace in the family. Observing this precept thoroughly creates a life of mental security for each individual, not wasting his short life on dangerous passions. The Buddha taught people to keep the precepts not to commit any wrongdoing to avoid enmity and evil retribution. 4. Do not lie, speak with two tongues, speak cruelly, or speak falsely Words are a special product of mankind, The purpose of speech is to exchange and empathize. Words are also a weapon as powerful as any physical weapon. Sometimes they lose their lives, lose their country because of a word, sometimes have long-term peace because of a word. Lying is to gain material benefits, to suppress others to flatter oneself, to cover up the ego, as well as all other dark intentions. Liars are often afraid of restlessness, not being trusted by anyone. The habit of lying is going deeper into the devil's way, obstacles, and injustice... Lying also sows unforeseeable calamities, harming many lives for many lives. Double-tongued is a word that stabs the purpose of destroying the truth, the lack of self-construction and vice versa. Praise in front of their backs and criticize them, slander, lie, plot tricks, that is also a crime of stealing in words, sowing disaster and suffering for people. Evil words: People often create a rich store of linguistic explosives to curse, there are hundreds of ways to curse grandparents, parents, and ancestors' graves. When interests are collided, the drug store of language explodes at full capacity to vent anger, to take revenge. Society again created people who cursed for hire, cursed all day without tiring, cursed until the enemy could not stand it. Words of speech at this time have grown to ghastly, with thousands of harsh, dirty, vile words... this war with weapons of the tongue is fierce and terrible. It is a matter of little exaggeration to say that the frog is talking like an elephant. Add fish sauce, add salt, talk nonsense, slander, slander. When Cao Ba Nha was arrested by the Tu Duc dynasty and imprisoned in prison (after the My Luong uprising led by his uncle Cao Ba Quat failed, the Cao family was punished by the three tribes, Cao Ba Nha had to change form. names are running everywhere, however, only 8 years later he was arrested), he did the song "Self-love song", in which there was a lament that said: "Disgusting to those who grow hairs on their stomachs, they put a shadow on their lips". The one who grows hair in the belly is only for sinister animals. Speech karma is caused by these four ways, false speech, double loss, bad speech and self-loathing. True cultivators avoid oral karma, on the contrary, speak gentle, loving, constructive words, and advance to the light of the soul. As a Buddhist, we should speak in an exemplary manner, see how we know it, and say it without deceit. Except in the case of people, benefits, not willing to tell the truth so that people are harmed or suffer. That's because kindness and compassion save people, so even if they tell the truth, they won't commit a crime. Not lying is keeping the trust of people around, showing compassion, Moreover, it is to avoid bad karma later on. 5. Don't drink alcohol: From ancient times to now, alcohol is a stimulant that darkens the mind, permeates the blood, makes the intellect dark and stupid. Nowadays, drinking has become a social tragedy. Death because of alcohol, dangerous diseases because of alcohol speak volumes. Drunk people lose their noble human character. The harm of alcohol to self and family is very specific, bitter. Because when they are drunk, they can do any sin, they are not afraid of anything bad, they lose all their conscience. Buddhism advocates enlightenment, if you want to be enlightened, you must first be calm and bright, Buddhists for enlightenment, for their own benefit, for those who are determined not to drink alcohol. Unless the doctor tells you to use alcohol mixed with medicine to heal, you can use alcohol as a medicine. Buddhists are allowed to drink medicinal wine until the illness is cured, then it will stop. need to inform the monks before drinking. Those who practice not killing, not stealing, not committing adultery, not lying, not deceiving, and not drunken are those who are planting seeds of compassion, morality, and wisdom for themselves, sowing good seeds. for this life and the next. On the other hand, it is enough for the ignorant person to commit one sin that will lead to the commission of many more sins. Because of stealing, cheating, and wrongdoing, they have to lie to cover up their bad things. Because of drunkenness, gambling, causing a hundred years of righteousness to be interrupted…. The Buddhist practice of the five precepts is to create for themselves and those around them a meaningful life. Those who know how to keep the five precepts create their own peaceful moral character. Without killing, we ourselves are not killed, we are not imprisoned, and we have no hatred for blood debt to each other. So we don't live in terror, fear caused by hatred. If we do not steal, we will not be imprisoned for theft. Go anywhere without worrying about being followed by suspicious people. If we don't commit adultery, we don't have to work hard to talk about everything, everyone trusts and believes in us. I am safe on my own, my family is also safe. Do not lie, we do not have to regret, words create trust with people. A liar will be underestimated by society, his actions or words will not be supported by anyone. Without drinking alcohol, we ourselves are not afraid of madness, losing our minds, a cup of poison we drink in our present body, but drinking alcohol, we lose our minds and have to die and live again and again for countless lives. Not drinking alcohol also avoids illness and weakness. I myself am calm, lucid, and respected by everyone. It is self-interest in the present. As for the afterlife, If you don't kill, you will have a healthy body and live a long life. You won't be able to steal wealth. If you don't commit adultery, your body will be beautiful and dignified. If you don't lie, you will gain good speech, speak wisely, and be loved by all. Don't drink. Wine is wisdom lucid. The five precepts are the life principles of a conscientious person. Even if half of the people in society know how to observe the five precepts, society can be more peaceful. These five precepts are considered to be the standard for evaluating each person's moral values. No society, no person who rejects these five precepts can create a good society and personality. A Buddhist practitioner who wants to purify his body and mind must clearly see the dangers of the other five unwholesome domains. Next, a Buddhist practitioner must have the will to leave and make a vow before the throne of the Three Jewels to diligently walk on the good path under the light of the Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha. The five precepts are the foundation of practice for all levels of Buddhist practice. The lesson of being a person with dignity arises from the five precepts, which we must learn forever and keep for the rest of our lives. The five precepts in Buddhism are implemented in parallel with the three virtues of compassion, wisdom, and courage so that themselves and everyone can have peace and benefit. The precepts lead one's mind to the holy life of which the five precepts are the essential foundation. The Dhammapada says: "Who in the world violates human religion, Kills living beings, steals, talks and laughs. Drunken passion wanders, Such conduct is self-inflicted. Even in this present life, the good roots give up on themselves, creating suffering." A person bearing the name of a Buddhist must set precepts as the foundation and resolutely practice so that his moral character shines. The practice of returning to practice in oneself is the most important and essential thing.END=NAMO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).GOLDEN AMITABHA MONASTERY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/6/2021.VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=THICH CHAN TANH.

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